Salvador Allende was elected president
Allende, a Marxist leader believed in socialism, and worked towards distributing wealth throughout his presidency. He wanted to "create a new society, a new conscience, new morals, and a new economy"(Allende). Because of his support for socialism, he nationalized mines, and basic industry, it's banking and insurance system, and foreign trade. He tried to accomplish land reform. (socialism). Allende's leftist orientation greatly displeased the government of the United States. -
Allende promoted Pinochet's position
Allende promoted Pinochet's position from the commander of the Santiago garrison to the commander in chief of all Chilean armed forces. Allende mistrusted Pinochet. -
Period: to
Pinochet's Regime
During Pinochet's Regime, he attempted to overthrow Allende's socialist policies by reasserting free market trading. However, there was a low rate of inflation and acceptable rate of economic growth. Also, he killed many people and repressed them, so that he would not have opponents. -
Protest of El Teniente
Workers from El Teniente mining camp stopped working, and demanded higher pay. This affected the government in seriously lost revenues. -
Chamber of Deputies
In August 22, 1973, the Chamber of Deputies passed, and was a resolution called for Allende to respect the Constitution. -
The Presidential Palace was Bombed By the Airforce
On September 11, 1973, Pinochet ordered his troops to take Santiago, and ordered an air strike on the presidential palace. The CIA helped him lead a four man junta in the 1973 military coup, and brought him to power with the support of the US. -
Death of Allende
Allende was defending La Moneda, the presidential palace that was bombed by the airforce. Instead of surrendering and getting taken alive, Allende killed himself. -
Pinochet gains power and overthrows the government
Pinochet overthrew the government of Allende, but relied on three groups of right winged parties. The Chicago Boys directed the economic ministries and formulated the economic program of the military regime. The Gremialistas were most powerful civilian advisor of Pinochet, and the military junta. He also depended on other sectors who thanked him for the overthrow of Allende, which made the imposition of neoliberal economic policies, including privitisation, and weakening of trade unions. -
Period: to
Imprisoned people in the National Stadium
Forty thousand political prisoners were held in the National Stadium and three thousand eight hundred were imprisoned there, and another one thousand three hundred people were missing since then. -
Congress Dissolved
On September 13, 1973, the juntas dissolved the Congress, and outlawed or suspended all political activity in addition to suspending the 1925 Constitution. (suppression) -
Supression of Political Activity
Government Junta banned socialist, Marxist, and leftist parties that never constituted former president Allende's Unidad Popular coalition. -
Many deaths
Three thousand minors were killed in by the Chilean army in a dispute in 1987. -
Pinochet trigger election
Pinochet loses a mandated plebiscite (the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on and important public question such as a change in the constitution) mandated by the Constitution which triggers the election the following year. -
Pinochet arrested
Pinochet was arrested by judge Baltasar Garzon, beginning an international struggle between his supporters and detractors. Chile suffered greatly from a world economic crisis, resulting in years of inflations and unemployment, because of this.