18th Century Europe - Economy and Society

  • Period: to

    Agricultural Revolution

    This was the drastic increase in agricultural production in Britain due to increases in labor. As a result, the economy boomed. This event is often attributed to one of the causes of the Industrial revolution.
  • Invention of Steam Engine

    Invention of Steam Engine
    Thomas Newcomen invented the first useful Steam Engine in 1712. As time went on, the steam engine became more and more efficient and useful. The economy also improved with this invention.
  • Invention of spinning jenny

    Invention of spinning jenny
    James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny, allowing a worker to produce multiple spools of thread at the same time. This is more efficient, and leads to a more production in less time. Follows the trend of new inventions improving the economy.
  • Steam Engine improved

    Steam Engine improved
    James Watt patents an improved steam engine making it useful as a power source in factories and other applications such as steam boats and trains. This follows the theme of constant improvement of everything. The economy is also growing
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, and it greatly increased the productivity of processing cotton. This leads to a drastic increase in profits in the economy. Following the trend of continual profits in the economy.
  • Reform Bill of 1832

    Reform Bill of 1832
    This was a British legislation that extended the vote to most male members of the middle class. Once again, this shows the government gearing new rules towards the middle class. This leads to an increase in middle class.
  • Factory Act of 1833

    Factory Act of 1833
    This act limited child labor hours. The trend of making reforms that benefits the whole population was a common theme.
  • The Opium Wars (1839-1841)

    The Opium Wars (1839-1841)
    Britain starts importing opium into China to get them hooked, so that they would earn massive profits from it. The economy boomed as a result, and China fights back to stop them from importing but loses.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French revolution was when the people of France overthrew the monarchy of Louis Philippe and established the Second Republic. This shows continuity because many social changes were being made at this time. This event also sparked many more revolutions across the world.
  • Reform Bill of 1867

    Reform Bill of 1867
    This was Disraeli's attempt to win over working class people. He redistributed legislative seats to be more equal, granted suffrage to most, and reduced governmental regulatory role. This follows the trend of government making reforms, with the working class in mind.