18th Century Europe- Economy and Society

  • Start of Age of Enlightenment

    Start of Age of Enlightenment
    The Age of Enlightenment represented a continuity through the 18th century of Europe, radically affecting both the society and economy of Europe. Caused by a variety of factors such as the decline of religion and Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment saw new published works and beliefs. Economically, thinkers such as Adam Smith introduced ideas about free markets and the invisible hand encouraging trade. Socially, thinkers like Rousseau and Locke discussed ideas about human nature vs nurture.
  • Height of Atlantic Slave Trade

    Height of Atlantic Slave Trade
    The Atlantic Slave Trade represented another important continuity during the 18th century and even earlier on. Economically, slaves provided a cheap form of labor and harnessed raw materials that allowed for huge manufacturing and high profits. Socially, slaves forwarded the beliefs that white was inherently superior, which can be also seen reflected in colonization practices and misuse of Darwin's natural selection theory. This slave trade connected Europe, the Americas, and Africa.
  • Height of British Agricultural Revolution

    Height of British Agricultural Revolution
    The Agricultural Revolution represented another continuity during the 18th century. Beginning in the 1650s, the Agricultural Revolution socially affected Europe through longer life spans and an increase in population. This fueled economic developments such as the Industrial Revolution. This marked a change from the previous period through an unprecedented rise in agricultural production and the increase in profitability of farming.
  • Start of War of Spanish Succession

    Start of War of Spanish Succession
    The War of Spanish Succession ended in 1714 with the treaties of Urtrecht and Rastatt. It represented a change since the King of Spain was removed from the French line of succession and Austria increased its relative power. It prevented France from dominating Europe as well as introduced respect for the British military, having positive economic effects of Britain and Austria. Socially, it strengthened the concept of nationalism and began a change where Europe would see more relative peace.
  • Start of Seven Years War

    Start of Seven Years War
    The Seven Years War was a significant change during the time period as it solidified Britain as the dominant colonizing power above France, Spain, and the Dutch. This increased the economic power of Britain in the short term until tensions f lead to the American Revolution. This war involved the most European powers during the 18th century. Economically, it caused colonial trade of other powers to decline. Socially, it lead to discontent and disagreements within Britain over colonization.
  • Start of Industrial Revolution

    Start of Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution represented one of the most significant changes during the time period with far reaching effects. It remained a continuity for the next 100 years after it began. The Industrial Revolution saw the beginning of mass production and assembly lines and the rise of the textile industry. Beginning in Britain, it would spread worldwide having far reaching effects. Socially, families became better off and individuals had more predictable working wages within factories.
  • Start of Catherine the Great's Reign

    Start of Catherine the Great's Reign
    The reign of Catherine the Great demonstrates the continuity of the Enlightenment during the time period. At the same time, it marks a change from absolutism to enlightened monarchies as rulers began to encourage reform. Socially, individuals saw a rise in political power during this time period and generally more satisfaction with governmental institutions. Economically, the reforms of enlightened monarchs bettered the living conditions of individuals and states became richer.
  • Start of American Revolution

    Start of American Revolution
    Although the American Revolution didn’t occur in Europe, it still had far reaching effects. The American Revolution marked a change in the colonization practices of Europe. Even though powers would continue imperialism, it showed that colonies could rebel, as well as demonstrated the influence of Enlightenment ideas from Locke. The American Revolution ultimately harmed Britain economically but and represented a loss of a valve that dissatisfied Britains could have went.
  • Start of Captain James Cook's Explorations and Voyages

    Start of Captain James Cook's Explorations and Voyages
    Captain Cook’s voyages represented a continuity during the time period showing how European powers were invested in exploration and colonization still. However, Cook’s voyages were a change in that he was able to use new technologies from the scientific revolution and reach new lands like Australia and New Zealand. Cook was declared a British hero and his discoveries would bring economic benefits years later when Britain created settlements in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Start of French Revolution

    Start of French Revolution
    The French Revolution was a change during the time period. It drastically altered French society in particular by ending the French monarchy, and taking power from the Catholic Church. Economically, it abolished the system of feudalism and introduced new commodities as well as caused hyperinflation. Socially, it gave the French people more political representation, promoting human rights and consent of the governed leading to a stronger French national identity.