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18th Century Europe - Economy and Society

  • The Agricultural Revolution

    The Agricultural Revolution
    The 1700s did not include the start of the Agricultural Revolution, but it included many major parts of it. Many new ideas were created during the 18th century in regards to agriculture. New methods arose such as enclosure movement, crop rotation, and using manure to fertilize crops. These new methods allowed for more people to be fed, and in turn increased the population of Europe.
  • Nuclear Family Popularity Rise

    Nuclear Family Popularity Rise
    Around the start of the 1700s, there was a major rise in the popularity of nuclear families. Many young people started to move out of the household after they were married, and started a new life. No longer did people live with their parents. The main thing that was holding people back was their financial instability. Once people were able to be stable financially, they were able to move out of the house.
  • The Growth of Trade Around the World

    The Growth of Trade Around the World
    The 18th century was a major time period involving the growth of trade worldwide. This trade was led by Britain. Great Britain was a major force in world trade in the 18th century. They were the leading force in trade and colonies. World trade was a great way for European countries to grow by practicing mercantilism. Even though there had been trade around the world before the 18th century, this event is major because of the massive growth of trade in this time period.
  • The Disappearance of Bubonic Plague

    The Disappearance of Bubonic Plague
    Ever since the Bubonic Plague started affecting the people of Europe in the 14th century, it was a major killer. Outbreaks continued in Europe and Asia until about 1721. In 1721, the plague hit Europe and killed almost 40,000 people. This was the last time the plague struck Europe. This allowed for the population of Europe to increase.
  • Growth of the Cottage Industry

    Growth of the Cottage Industry
    The overall growth of the population of Europe increased the number of rural workers. This developed the industry in the rural areas. The farming families needed another form of income, so they turned to things that they could make in their home. This was also called the "putting-out system."
  • Major Population Increase

    Major Population Increase
    The population in Europe began to grow rapidly. The growth caused major economic changes in the 18th century. There were many more people that could be employed, which helped industry to grow. There were better agriculture practices, less disease, and less war.
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade

    Transatlantic Slave Trade
    During the age of mercantilism, transatlantic slave trade reached its peak. For colonization to be successful, there had to be a source of free/cheap labor. Slave trade was the main source. This was a very profitable part of the economy of Europe. Slave trade continued like this until the start of the 19th century.
  • Illegitimacy Explosion

    Illegitimacy Explosion
    One specific change in Europe was the increase in late marriages and births out of wedlock. People were getting married later in life because they were worried about the instability of the economy. Many people also did not marry as early because of the colonization that the countries were participating in.
  • Adam Smith Publishes "The Wealth of Nations"

    Adam Smith Publishes "The Wealth of Nations"
    Adam Smith began to make the ideas of capitalism and free trade more popular with his book, The Wealth of Nations. This book established the framework for modern economics. The book was also very critical of mercantilism. Smith denounced monopolies and stated that free trade should exist. It ended up changing the thoughts of many Europeans.
  • Development of the Smallpox Vaccine

    Development of the Smallpox Vaccine
    Even though many people still viewed the smallpox disease as a very major harm to society, some people started to develop a cure for it. Science was developing and vaccines started to be developed. This vaccine for smallpox helped to decrease the amount of people dying because of the fatal disease.