18th Century Europe

  • Agricultural Revolution/ enclosure acts

    Agricultural Revolution/ enclosure acts
    The agricultural revolution was caused by improved techniques and technology that produced more yields of crops in varying conditions more efficiently. This continued the trend of Europe's growing economy, giving it the power to dominate the rest of the world. The Enclosure act deemed public property private, forcing small farmers to move into bigger towns and cities, and became a precursor to the industrial revolution. This was a huge change for society, ending the agrarian way of life.
  • The War of Spanish Succession

    The War of Spanish Succession
    The War of Spanish Succession was a conflict between multiple European powers after the death of King Charles II of Spain without an heir to the throne.The grandson of Louis XIV was the successor to the throne, thus Louis claimed the Spanish throne for him.The Grand Alliance went to war with France to ensure that one nation did not gain so much power (balance of power). This is a continuity because Europe nations were constantly trying to gain more power, being stopped by others to keep balance
  • Malke-geld (queen's money)

     Malke-geld (queen's money)
    (1744)Archduchess of Austria Maria Theresa ordered that no Jew should be tolerated in "our inherited duchy of Bohemia". In 1748 she being to allow Jewish people if they pay for readmission every ten years which was known as malke-geld. She even went on to limit each Jewish family to one son. This is a continuity of the oppression that Jewish people faced throughout Europe over the years. Although enlightened monarchs inched closer toward religious tolerance, antisemitism was still prominent.
  • Illegitimacy Explosion

    Illegitimacy Explosion
    Starting in 1750, the birth rate of illegitimate children in Europe began to drastically increase from 3% to 20% over the next century. This was due to social changes, such as greater social mobility. Young people could move away from their communities, and encouraged by romanticism ideas about love, they would engage in premarital sex. Unwed mothers were rejected by society and the fathers were not forced to marry or help raise the child. This shows a change in society concerning family units.
  • 7 Years' War

    7 Years' War
    The 7 Years' War was a conflict between France and Great Britain over imperial supremacy (aka French and Indian War). This conflict ended in Great Britain gaining Canada, all land east of the Mississippi, and Florida. Before France had been a powerful imperial nation but this conflict ended in France withdrawing (mostly) from the North American continent. Britain was becoming the most powerful nation with much imperial success, and this war propelled its power and claim over land further.
  • Start of British Industrial Revolution

    Start of British Industrial Revolution
    During the 18th century, there were many advancements in technology and innovation. Inventions such as the steam engine led to more and more efficient production which paved the way for factories. The textile industry began to grow in England, changing from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. As industry grew (which it did into the 19th century) Great Britain was established as the world's leading commercial power. This also created worse living conditions in years to come.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution was a war between Great Britain and their American colonies aided by France. This conflict inspired the Age of Revolutions and signed both a change and continuity. This shows a continuity of people revolting against their government when it fails to listen to the voice of the people. On the other hand, the American Revolution was a war for independence inspired by Enlightenment ideals, which is a change. The Enlightenment introduced the world to a spirit of democracy.
  • Adam Smith publishes the "Wealth of Nations"

    Adam Smith publishes the "Wealth of Nations"
    Adam Smith is a figure of the Enlightenment that wrote the book, "The Wealth of Nations". This book challenged the common economic policies of mercantilism. It advocated for opening up new free trade markets in the world and for the government to not interfere with the economy. These were the founding principles of capitalism which signal a change from mercantilism to capitalism. This paved the way for England to rise in economic domination during the industrial revolution and grow wealth.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was issued by the National Assembly in the early period of the French Revolution. This defined the individual and group rights of French Citizens and was closely modeled by the American Declaration of Independence. This was a continuity of the change that enlightenment ideals had brought on. The Enlightenment inspired people to stand up for their voice in government, and this change sparked the age of revolutions which contained to spread.
  • The August Decrees

    The August Decrees
    The decrees of August 4th were a set of 19 articles passed by the National Assembly at the start of the French Revolution. These decrees abolished feudalism in France and the privileges of the nobility. This set France on a path of constitutional reform and showed a change in European society. Many nations had been shifting away from feudalism before this due to the unrest from the lower class; they were demanding more say in political affairs. Society was changing because people were fed up.