18th century from 1701 to 1800

  • Act of Settlement

    Act of Settlement
    The aim was to ensure a protestant succession to the English throne. For this reason Sophia of Hanover, granddaughter of James I, succeeded
  • War of the Spanish succession

    War of the Spanish succession
    The war of the the Spanish succession broke out because of the issue over the inheritance of the Spanish territory after the death of Charles II
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Act of Union between England and Scotland, dissolution of the Parliament in Edinburgh. Creation of one single parliament in London
  • Property Qualification Act

    Property Qualification Act
    max. 5.5% of the population could vote. Corruption, intimidation and disparities among the social classes were very high
  • The' 15

    The' 15
    James Francis Edward Stuart known as the "Old pretender", was the leader of the first Jacobite rising in 1715 and then defeated
  • John Wilkes

    John Wilkes
    John Wilkes was a political reformer and a radical PM. He was the author of the North Briton in which he claims transparency and representativity for the American Colonies in the parliament
  • The' 45

    The' 45
    Charles Edward Stuart known as the "Young pretender", was the leader of the second Jacobite rising and then defeated in 1746 in the Battle of Culloden
  • Battle of Plassey

    Battle of Plassey
    After the victory against Nawab of Bengal's troops and France,Britain became the leading economic and military power. East India companies gains more and more power
  • Seven year's war

    Seven year's war
    global conflict, Franco British fighting in North America and India. Britain is the winner
  • infrastructures

    construction of canals to improve transportations
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Massacre between English soldiers and the American colonist because of taxes imposed by the British Empire like the stamp act or the sugar act
  • Tea act and the Boston tea party

    Tea act and the Boston tea party
    The tea act was one of the numerous taxes imposed on the American colonist by the British Empire. Due to this taxation without representation, the American colonist decided to rebelled and throw chest of tea in the Boston Harbor.
  • First continental congress

    First continental congress
    Philadelphia, Delegates from the American colonies decided to reunite in response to the Intolerable acts to discuss the America's future
  • James Watt and Matthew Boulton

    James Watt and Matthew Boulton
    age of discoveries and mechanization> the steam engine was discovered and developed by James Watt and Matthew Boulton
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    13 North American colonies finally won political independence from the British empire and went on the form of the United States of America. the revolution ended with the treaty of Paris in 1783
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Adam Smith published Wealth of Nations in which he strongly critique mercantilism. in this period we can also see the birth of imperial economy.
  • French Revolution and Napoleonic war

    French Revolution and Napoleonic war
    French citizens rebelled against their political situation like monarchy or aristocracy. They fought for liberty and equality. The revolution ended with the ascent of Napoleone Bonaparte
  • Theobald Wolfe Tone

    Theobald Wolfe Tone
    Wolfe Tone was a non-secretarian republican man inspired by the French\American revolution. He was the founder and the leader of the Society of United Irishman, they fought for equality and a more independent and democratic Ireland.