
  • 1880

    Edison issued a patent for the electric incandescent light bulb; wires part of New York with DC current to power street lights and lights in wealthy homes.
  • 1889

    Danish inventor Valdemar Poulson invents magnetic wire sound recording
  • 1889

    Louis Glass invents the modern jukebox and installs it at the "Palais Royal" saloon in San Francisco where it is an immediate hit.
  • 1891

    The International copyright agreement is adopted between major countries
  • 1892

    Popular music becomes a serious business
  • 1892

    The first "million-seller" song hit was "After The Ball" by Charles K. Harris.
  • 1895

    The Lumiere Brothers use (piano) music with a motion picture program (of short subjects) for the first time at a Dec. 28th
  • 1896

    An orchestra is used with silent motion pictures for the first time in April in London
  • 1897

    British scientist Joseph John Thompson discovers the electron particle within cathode rays
  • 1897

    Guglielmo Marconi is granted his first British patent for wireless telegraphy.
  • 1887

    Emile Berliner invents flat record player
  • 1897

    Shellac gramophone disks developed by Emile Berliner, speeds will vary on discs issued by companies in different countries