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By Plehet
  • Period: to

    Major Revolutions in Europe

    The years that the major revolutions in France and Central Europe took place in.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Wars

    A series of wars that Napoleon fought.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Four European powers combined to form the Congress of Vienna and deiced how to make the powers stable.
  • Napoleon's Defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo
  • Period: to

    Greek Independence

    The Greeks revolted against the Ottoman Empire for their independence.
  • First railroad opnes

    The first railroad opens in Liverpool to Manchester
  • Queen Victoria's reign

    Queen Victoria begins her reign over England.
  • Potato Famine

    Ireland experiences a famine from growing to many potato.
  • Revolutions of 1848

    Revolutions spread all through Central Europe.
  • The Communist Manifesto

    Carl Marx and Engels publishes the Communist Manifesto
  • Crimean War

    Russia fought the alliance that is made up of France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire.
  • Bessemer Process

    The process of using oxygen to turn pig-iron to steel.
  • British rule of India

    The British started their rule over India.
  • Origin of Species

    Charles Darwin published his book on how animals went through a process of natural selection.
  • Czar Alexander II frees the serfs

    Czar Alexander II made a manifesto that accompanied 17 legislative acts that freed the serfs.
  • Britain grants Canada self-rule

    Britain grants Canada to be a dominion under the Canadian Confederation.
  • Austria-Hungary Dual monarchy

    It made Austria and Hungary into two nations ruled the same monarch.
  • Dynamite Invented

    Dynamite was invented.
  • French built the Suez Canal

    The french built the Suez canal to open Egypt to Europe.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    A war between France and Northern German states for independence.
  • Italy Unifies

    Italy unifies as one whole country.
  • Germany Unifies

    Prussia won Germany in the Franco-Prussian and declared to the German empire or the Second Reich
  • The assassination of Czar Alexander II

    Czar Alexander II was assassinated
  • Berlin Conference

    This conference decided one what country got what portion in Africa.
  • Dreyfus' Treason

    Alfred Dreyfus told the German Embassy french military secrets.