
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

By vabens
  • Birth

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born in Johnstown, New York on October 26, 1815.
  • Husband

    Elizabeth married abolitionist Henry B. Stanton in 1840. They spent their honeymoon at the World Anti-slavery convention in London.
  • Mother

    Elizabeth Cady Stanton moves from Boston to the upstate New York village of Seneca Falls and raises seven children.
  • First Women's Rights Convention

    First Women's Rights Convention
    Elizabeth planned this convention which took place in Seneca Falls, New York, her home town. It set the agenda for the women's rights movement that followed.
  • First NATIONAL Women's Rights Convention

    First NATIONAL Women's Rights Convention
    Over 1,000 participants attended in Worcester, MA.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    Elizabeth and Susan would become lifelong friends and leaders of the women's suffrage movement.
  • Women's National Loyal League

    Women's National Loyal League
    Their cause extended beyond women's issues: Founded by Elizabeth and Susan B. Anthony, the Women's National Loyal League gathered 400,000 signatures to abolish slavery.
  • American Equal Rights Association

    American Equal Rights Association
    The American Equal Rights Association is the first organization in the U.S. to advocate national women's suffrage.
  • History of Women's Suffrage

    History of Women's Suffrage
    First three volumes of the History of Women's Suffrage are edited by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth.
  • National American Women's Suffrage Association

    National American Women's Suffrage Association
    National Woman's Suffrage Association and American Woman's Suffrage Association merge to form this. Elizabeth is elected the first President.
  • Solitude of Self

    Solitude of Self
    Elizabeth delivers "Solitude of Self" speech as she steps down from President of NAWSA. Susan B. Anthony assumes the office.
  • The Woman's Bible

    The Woman's Bible
    Elizabeth edits the first volume of "The Woman's Bible" along with a committe of women who interpret biblical passages that degrade women.
  • Lifelong Friends

    Lifelong Friends
    A inspiring and heartful birthday letter from Susan to Elizabeth one month before Elizabeth's death. It ends with "As we, dear old friend, move on to the next sphere of existence--higher and larger, we cannot fail to believe, and one where women will not be placed in an inferior position, but will be welcomed on a plane of perfect intellectual spirit and equality."
  • Death

    Elizabeth dies on October 26, 1902 just prior to her 87th birthday.
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment
    Eighteen years after Elizabeth's death, women finally win the right to vote through the 19th Amendment, ending an 81 year struggle for Elizabeth and other suffragettes.