Guilded age


By Macy W.
  • Rutherford B Hayes

    Rutherford B Hayes
    Rutherford B. Hayes becomes the 19th president of the United States.
  • The Farmer's Alliance

    The Farmer's Alliance
    Farmers from Texas form their first agricultural labor union in Lampasas, Texas.
  • End of Reconstruction

    End of Reconstruction
    The Federal government left the south to their own devices and democrats come more into power.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    Railroad workers go on strike for higher wages, an ultimate failure. But created the idea of forming unions
  • Edison/lightbulb

    Thomas Edison patented the lightbulb.
  • James A. Garfield

    James A. Garfield
    James A. Garfield becomes 20th president of the United States
  • Sitting Bull- Surrender

    Sitting Bull- Surrender
    Sitting Bull surrenders to the U.S. army, ending native resistance to white settlers.
  • Chester A. Arthur

    Chester A. Arthur
    Chester A. Arthur becomes the 21st president of the United States.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    Time when the U.S denied those into the United States if they fit a certain criteria. This included Chinese or Asian descent.
  • Buffalo Bill's Wild West

    Buffalo Bill's Wild West
    William "Buffalo Bill" Cody starts a romanticized show based on the Wild West.
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
    Grover Cleveland becomes the 22nd president of the United States.
  • May Day Strike

    May Day Strike
    When over 300,000 workers nationwide stopped work, in petition of a eight-hour workday.
  • The Dawes General Allotment Act

    The Dawes General Allotment Act
    Split up Indiana tribes from tribes and into single family units.
  • Benjamin Harrison

    Benjamin Harrison
    Benjamin Harrison becomes the 23rd president of the United States.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    first measure in forbidding trusts.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    Bloody confrontation of employees vs. employers in the Carnegie Steel Company in Homestead, Pennsylvania.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    a widespread railroad strike and boycott that messed up the railroads in the U.S. Midwest.
  • William McKinley

    William McKinley
    William McKinley becomes the 25th president.
  • Hawaii Annexed

    Hawaii Annexed
    Hawaii is annexed to the United States.
  • The Open Door Policy

    The Open Door Policy
    Western Markets have equal access to Chinese Markets.
  • Gold Standard Act

    Gold Standard Act
    The exchanging of gold for only paper money.