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    Battle of the Little Bighorn

    Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer and part of the 7th Calvary Regiment, a force of 256 men, were defeated by the allied forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyanne, and Arapaho tribes at the Little Bighorn River
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    Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    A series of strikes from railroad workers swept across the United States and shut down railroad traffic
  • Haymarket Riot

    A protest took place near Haymarket Square in Chicago and killed 7 Chicago police
  • Dawes General Allotment Act

    Congress passed the act which caused Native Americans' land to be divided into 160-acre homesteads based on families
  • The Patent of Motion Pictures

    Thomas Edison patented the concept of motion pictures
  • Wovoka's vision

    Wovoka of the Northern Paiute tribe reportedly had a prophetic vision in Nevada that resulted in the spread of the Ghost Dance as a widespread religious ceremony
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    A massacre of over 300 Lakota Indians took place near Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota
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    Pullman Strike

    A strike beginning when George Pullman slashed wages at Pullman car factories and in solidarity, the American Railway Union refused to let Pullman cars on their rail lines. This effectively shut down railroad traffic until President Cleveland intervened two months later
  • Sinking of the USS Maine

    The USS Maine ship exploded and sunk in the Havana Harbor, causing Congress to declare war on Spain several months later on April 25th
  • Treaty of Paris of 1898

    The United States and Spain signed a treaty to end the Spanish-American War