• First patent for first Telephone

    Graham Bell received a patent for the first telephone. This invention changed the way that people communicated with each other.
  • Election of 1876

    Rutherford B. Hayes ran against Samuel J. Tilden. Hayes was eventually declared the winner.
  • Edison patents speaking machine

    The first phonograph got a patent. It was a device for recording and replaying sound.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    This act prevented Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States. This act excluded Chinese nationals from eligibility for U.S. citizenship.
  • Great Southwest Railroad Strike

    This was a labor union strike involving more than 200,000 workers. Railroad workers struck against the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific railroads.
  • Haymarket Riot

    The Haymarket Riot happened because a labor protester rally near Chicago`s Haymarket square turned into a full out riot after a bomb was thrown at police.
  • Election of 1888

    26th presidential election, Benjamin Harrison defeated Democratic President Grover Cleveland.
  • Oklahoma Land Rush

    This was the first land rush into unassigned lands. There was many lands that were open for settlement. It included parts of Canada and Cleveland.
  • Spanish American War

    Armed conflict between the United States and Spain. It ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and the U.S. gained territories in the Western Pacific and Latin America.