Great Railroad Strike
Crazy Horse led a band of Oglala Sioux to surrender
Native population of California had collapsed
nearly four hundred thousand men labored in the railroad industry.
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Wild West shows became popular
Indigenous powers had been defeated
Chinese Exclusion Act
Immigration Act
Buffalo Bill launched his touring show
Chicago Haymarket affair
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Beginning of Labor Stikes
Dawes General Allotment Act
Interstate Commerce Act
Pawnee Bill’s Historic Wild West show started
Wilhelm II rose to the German throne
Northern Paiute prophet Wovoka experienced a great revelation
South Dakota became a state
Chief Sitting Bull and several others were killed
Jacob Riis published How the Other Half Lives
General Federation of Women’s Clubs formed
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Populists’ first national election campaign
World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago
Edison Vitascope could project film
National Association of Colored Women organized
Start of Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars
acquisition of Hawaii
Treaty of Paris
The American Anti-Imperialist League, founded
United States was the world’s leading manufacturing nation
Congress passed the Gold Standard Act
Populism had exploded in popularity.