1870-1920 A New Wave of Immigration in the US

  • 1870

    Immigration from Southern Europe began to increase, with Italians and Russian Jews making up the majority.
  • Period: to

    1870-1920 A New Wave of Immigration in the US

  • 1880

    Eastern European Jews, Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, and others began pouring into the United States.
  • 1890

    The number of immigrants from Greece, Turkey and the Arab world is increasing.
  • 1900

    Immigrants (especially Chinese and Japanese) were affected by the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Japanese immigration Restriction Act.
  • 1910

    The outbreak of World War I led to an influx of immigrants from other parts of Europe, as well as an increase in emigration after the Russian Revolution.
  • 1920

    The passage of the Immigration Act of 1920, which provided for immigration quotas based on nationality, marked the end of this period.