
  • Civil war ends

    Civil war ends
    The Civil War actually ended on my birthday
  • KKK forms

    KKK forms
    KKK formed in Tennessee
  • The U.S. buys Alaska from Russia

    The U.S. buys Alaska from Russia
    Bought for 7.2 million dollars
  • Last spike of the transcontinental railroad driven in

    Last spike of the transcontinental railroad driven in
    known as the golden spike and symbolizes settlement in the west
  • Financial black friday

    Financial black friday
    In attempts to corner the gold market
  • Standard Oil Company incorporated

    Standard Oil Company incorporated
    by John D. Rockefeller
  • Chicago Fire

    Chicago Fire
    192 million dollars in losses
  • Hawaii signs a trade treaty

    Hawaii signs a trade treaty
    granting it exclusive trading rights.
  • End of Reconstruction

    End of Reconstruction
  • Period: to

    15 Million new immigrants

  • U.S. populaton exceeds 75 million

    U.S. populaton exceeds 75 million
  • U.S. Steel founded by JP Morgan

    U.S. Steel founded by JP Morgan
  • Ford motor company formed

    Ford motor company formed
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
  • WW1 begins in Europe

    WW1 begins in Europe
  • Roosevelt establishes New Deal

  • WW2 begins

  • D Day

    D Day
  • School desegregation Little Rock Arkansas

    School desegregation Little Rock Arkansas
  • Alaska and Hawaii are the last two states to Join U.S.

  • JFK becomes president

  • Nixon Re elected

  • George W Bush Elected

  • Hubble telescope launched

  • terrorist attacks

  • Micheal Jackson Dies

  • Oil Spill

  • Donald Trump becomes president