1850s timeline

By lfrack
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions are written

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions are written
    More informationJames Madison wrote the Virginia resolves whileThomas Jefferson wrote the Kentucky Resolves as a result from their opposition to the Alien and Sedation Acts, which limited immigrants and freedom of the press. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were used by the Southern States to defend the institutions for slavery. The resolves also stated the theory that there should be a limited nature to grant power for the federal gov. as stated in Constituion, thus the states should have sovereignty.
  • Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812

    Hartford Convention meets during War of 1812
    More informationFederalist delegates met from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont in Hartford, Connecticuit to secretly discuss the problems New England was facing and also the War of 1812. From the meeting they disagreed with James Madison and the war as well as the unfair advantage the South was given under the Constitution. It continued the views of states rights and lead to the end of the Federalist party.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    More information The Missouri Compromise brought more land to the North. Maine was added to north as a free state while the Arkansas terriory was added to the South. The unorganized terriotry was to be free of slavery, Missouri became a slave state and all land north of the 36 parallel was to be kept free of slavery (which evened out the senate)
  • Tariff of Abominations passed

    Tariff of Abominations passed
    More informationIn 1828 the government passed a bill putting high tariffs (government taxes) on imported goods. This tax protected some industries that were new in the north because by increasing the cost of European goods, the north had much cheaper goods. However because the south manufactured cotton and would have to buy higher priced goods they couldn't get in the U.S, the south opposed this. The tax raised the price significantly on goods like clothing, metals, and fabric.
  • South Carolina tries to nullify

    South Carolina tries to nullify
    More informationSouth Carolina was upset because after the "Tariff of Abominations" after they were having to pay a higher price for goods they needed. Vice President, John Calhoun, of South Carolina argued for a solution, nullification. Calhoun felt that the federal government didn't exist without the will of the states and that if a state found a law detrimental to its interests it could "nullify" the law in that state. The SC Ordinance of Nullification was announced, so President Jackson lowered the tariff
  • Abolition of the Slavery Act

    Abolition of the Slavery Act
    More informationParliment passed the Slavery Aboliton Act in 1833 which gave all slaves in the British empire their freedom. The British government then paid slave owners, as a compensation for letting their slaves free. The payment for each slave owner depended on how many slaves they had in their possession at the time.
  • Texas declares independence from Mexico

    Texas declares independence from Mexico
    More information A few days before March 2 the delegates from Mexico representing Texas and Pecan Point met in Washington to discuss Texas gaining independence from Mexico. The group unanimously voted to allow this on the morning of March 2. Texas became part of the republic after the 58 memebers signed a document granting Texas its independence.
  • James K. Polk elected

    James K. Polk elected
    More informationIn 1844 James K Polk challenged Henry Clay of the Whig party for presidency and made vivid points about wanting increase westward expansion. People liked Polk's views for a continental nation and the aggression may have scared some if fear of a war with either Britian or Mexico but he gained supporters. He won the election for president with 170 to105 electoral votes.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    More information When United States annexed Texas (after Texas gained independence from Mexico), Mexico broke off relations with the U.S. The two countries disputed over the boundries of Texas, either the border of the Rio Grande (US) or Nueces rivers (Mexico). Congress declared war on Mexico and after fighting the U.S won.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    More informationThe Wilmont Proviso was a proposal to restrict slavery in the land gained by the U.S from Mexico, in the Mexican American War. This bill was presented by David Wilmont and was added as an ammendment to a bill in which President Polk asked Congress for money to compensate Mexico for the land the U.S intended to keep. Did not pass in the House, but did in the Senate.
  • California enters the Union

    California enters the Union
    More information After the Mexican American War, the U.S gained much land including present day California, as land. California entered the Union as a free state as part of the Compromise of 1850. Many opposed California beng a free state because southerners wanted to expand slavery yet it was agreed if other parts like New Meico and Utah would have popular sovereignty, thus California entered the union as a free state.
  • Fugitive Slave Law enacted

    Fugitive Slave Law enacted
    More informationMore information The fugitive slave act was part of the Compromise of 1850. A tougher law was introduced that made it a crime to help a fugitive slave , and forced northerners to help hunt down runaway slaves in their states. Also it said that accused runaways could not testify in court or get a jury trial.
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    More information Uncle Tom's Cabin was pubished on March 20, 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It sold 300,000 copies within three months. She wrote the book as a result of the tougher fugitive slave laws and the book had a major influence on how the public now viewed slavery.
  • Formation of the Republican party

    Formation of the Republican party
    More informationIn 1854 the anti-slavery Whig party met in midwestern states to discuss the formation of a new party. On March 20, 1854 in Wisconsin the Republican party was founed. The Republican party soon gained northern supporters and in November of 1860 Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas Nebraska Act passed
    More informationThe Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 organized the Kansas and Nebraska territories (this land was orginally aquired by the United States through France from the Lousiana Purchase). Popular sovereignty is introduced to the territories where the area can reject or allow slavery based on their choosing. It also repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820.
  • "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrece

    "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrece
    More informationAfter the Kansas Nebraska Act, Kansas became a battleground over slavery. People began to fight in Kansas for control. Border Ruffians, pro-slavery bands came from Missouri to battle anti-slavery groups in Kansas. The Border Ruffians voted illegally and passed proslavery laws in the state, anti-slavery supprters fought them. Some proslavery men raided Lawrence (anti slavery town). Abolitionists then killed five proslavery people, resulting in 200 deaths and "bleeding Kansas"
  • Charles Sumner attacked

    Charles Sumner attacked
    More informationCharles Sumner, an abolitionist Senator from Massachusetts, gave a speech called, "Crimes against Kansas," where he blames two Democratic Senators for the violence. One of te senators he blamed, Andrew Butler, wasn't in the Senate the day he made his speech. One day one of Butlers represenatives , Preston Brooks slammed a metal cane onto Sumner, to revenge Butler. Sumner recieved a brutal attack and became unconcious. Both Brooks and Sumner later became heroes for their regions.
  • Pottawatomie Creek

    Pottawatomie Creek
    More informationJohn Brown was furious at the people in Kansas who refused to fight for the anti-slavery cause. At night, Brown and seven others went to Pottawatomie Creek, a proslavery town. In the end they killed five people. He was hunted by the pro slavery supporters and he was now a fugitve.
  • Lecompton Constitution passed

    Lecompton Constitution passed
    More informationThe majority of free men in Kansas was becoming larger and new spread of their stuggles to aquire a free government throughout the nation. Pro-slavery advocates in Washington wanted to force a pro slavery Constitution in Kansas as soon as possible. On Feb. 19, 1857 the Bogus Legislature called a Constituional Convention at Lecompton.
  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    Lincoln-Douglas debates
    More information The Lincoln Douglas debates was a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln Republican and returning senator Stephan Douglas as they campaigned for Senator of Illinois. They both agreed to speak at each of the nine congressional districts of the state (except two they each had done seperately) Although Lincoln lost to Senator Stephan Douglas he had made an impression on the nation.
  • Dred Scott decision announced

    Dred Scott decision announced
    More information Dred Scott , a slave, tried to sue for his freedom as well as his wife and children's freedom, however he was unsuccessful. He argued that because he was a slave to his master Emerson in terriorites that prohibited slavery, that it was illegal and they should be set free. The Supreme Court did not favor Scott and said that he could not seek citizenship in the U.S therefore he could not seek legal compenation.
  • Raid at Harpers ferry

    Raid at Harpers ferry
    More information John Brown rented a farm in Maryland across from Harpers Ferry, where he assembled an army. He wanted to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry and they went one morning cutting the wires and wer able to aquire the arsenal. The local militia capured Brown and ten of Browns men were killed. The captured men were tried then all were excecuted.
  • Formation of Contitutional Union party

    Formation of Contitutional Union party
    More informationThe Constitutional Union party was a short lived idea for moderates that collapsed during the Civil War. This party was created by the Whigs and the Know Nothing parties in which it was supported by the states in the middle of the country between the north and southern divide.
  • Democrats split in 1860

    Democrats split in 1860
    More information In 1860 the Democrats were unable to stop the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln for they feared his election would lead to a Civil War. During the Civil War the Democratic party split into the War democrats and the Copperhead democrats. The War democrats supported president Lincoln's war policies and the Copperheads-opposed them.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    More informationThe presidental election was held on Novemebr 6, 1860. Abraham Lincoln, Republican, ran against Stephan Douglas and John C. Breckenridge, pro-slavery. Abraham Lincoln was elected to be the 16th president of the United States with 180 vs 132 electoral votes.