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    Dred Scott

    Scott was an enslaved man who was under the control of a man named Blow. Thye moved to Alabama and then Missouri. Blow dies and then a surgeon named Emerson has ownership and moves them to Illinois, a free state. They move around frequently in and out of free states and Scott decides to sue for his freedom. He argues that he lived in free states where it was banned so he should be free. The court says that slaves are property and not citizen, therefore, could not be free.
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    John Brown

    John Brown grew up in Hudson, Ohio, a stop in the Underground Railroad. His family helped fugitive slaves gain theit freedom. His sons were involved in attacks and movements which he was also involved in. For example, the Pottawomie Massacre. He meets Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglas with whom he plan Harper's Ferry.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This book was one written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was an anti-slavery book that became very popular, read, and contriversal. She wrote the book as a result of the slave laws that were being passed at the time. (Fugitve Slave Act) The book had a great influence on what people thought about slavery, and was one of the components of the events that lead tot he Civil War.
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    Bloody Kansas

    Bloody Kansas was a series of attacks from pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces. When the Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed, there was conflict on wheather they should be free or slave states. There was a huge division among the people and the government which created tension. Eventually, people broke into the Kansas-Missouri border, lawrence, and began destroying the place. John Brown was also involved in the destruction and killings.
  • Rebublican party

    Rebublican party
    In 1854 there is discussion on the issue of slavery. After the Kansas-Nebraska act is passed, the compromises all go away which was what was keeping both sides happy. The people from the Whig party were working to create a new party in order to oppose the spread of slavery to the west. They eventually became known as the Reoublican Party.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed for popular soverignty in these territories do to the question of wheather they should be slave states or not. This was created by Stephen Douglas. It also repealed the Missouri Compromise and leads to Bloody Kansas.
  • Brook-Sumner Incident

    Brook-Sumner Incident
    This was another act of violence that took place on the floor of the Senate. Congressman Brooks sneaks up behing Sumner, a senator and beats him with a cane. This was a result of an anti-slavery speech that Sumner had given.
  • Election of 1856

    Election of 1856
    The candidates are James Buchanan for the Democrats, John Freemont for the Republicans, and Millard Fillmore the Whig-Americans. They run on nativism and are anti-catholic and do well in the North because of their beliefs. The Republicans are against the expansion of slavery and the Democrats are arguing that if the Rebublicans win, there is going to be Civil War. Buchanan wins.
  • House Divided Speech

    House Divided Speech
    Lincoln gave this speech when running for senator. He lost the election but he gained lots of recognition for speaking out against slavery. In the speech he said that the nation would not stand if it was divided. The speech did not try to end slavery but he said that it was inevidetable because eventually slaves would not be needed. He says that slavery was either illegal in every state or legal in every state.
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    Lincoln Douglas Debates

    The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of debates between Lincoln and Douglas. Although, debates are usually contriversal, Lincoln and Douglas had suh a huge impact that it divided the nation further. Douglas was democratic and spilt between the slavery issue, and Lincoln was republican and anti-slavery. They argued between the reasons why or why not slavery should be allowed. Licoln loses but he gains a lot of support and attention which later helps him become president.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    LeCompton Constitution
    This constitution was written as a result of the Topeka Constitution which outlawed slavery. The LeCompton constitution was written to nullify that consitution and make Kansas a slave state. It would protect slaveholders and allow people to decide if they want to bring in more slaves or not. It was never put in place but is seen as another push toward the Civil War.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    Harper's Ferry was a raid by John Brown. Harper's Ferry was the second largest armory in the U.S.. The goal was to incite a slave rebellion. He took control of the armory and he believed that slaves would arm themselves and rebel. It does not work out and he takes control of the armory and then his sons are killed. Him, and his followers are captured. It was one of the more immediate effects of the Civil War and disunion.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    For context, the U.S. is already on verge of Civil War. Buchanan is not doing anything to fix the tension in the nation.
    Lincoln (republican) : Popular soverignty is too much power. No slavery expansion
    Bell (Const. Union): opposed expansion
    Douglas (democrat): opposite of republicans
    Breckenridge (Southern) : slavery should be protect and seccision should be allowed.
    Lincoln wins and 7 states seced.
  • Secession

    11 states try to break away from the union. The forst 7 states to leave form a government in alabama and soon 4 more states join there government.
  • Lincoln's First Inagural Adress

    Lincoln's First Inagural Adress
    This adress was given by Lincoln when he won the election. He directed it toward southerners and basically wanted to keep peace and prevent the civil war.