

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Publication

    Uncle Tom's Cabin Publication
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She wrote the book to tell people about the cruel treatment of slaves. This caused the North and South to realize how divided they were on the topic of slavery. The South did not like this book because they felt it was incorrect in slaves treatment, and it made the South out to be made monsters. A way the South dealt with this problem is by banning the sale of the books in stores.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    This was the creation of the republican party. The Republican party is a group of antislavery that wanted to stop the spread of slavery through the west. The first meeting was held in Ripon, Wisconsin schoolhouse. This further caused the Civil War because it caused more of a riff between the North and South.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    This act repealed the Missouri Compromise, created two new territories, and allowed popular sovereignty. It caused the "bleeding Kansas" event. This was yet again more of a split between the North and South on the issue of the spread of slavery.
  • Bloody Kansas

    Bloody Kansas
    A violent event caused by proslavery and antislavery parties fighting. This was caused by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which made a bigger rift and was the start of actual violence between the two groups.
  • Brooks-Sumner incident

    Brooks-Sumner incident
    This incident was when Preston Brooks took a cane and beat Senator Charles Summer. Brooks was a pro-slavery democrat who was acting out with violence from a speech made by abolitionist Summer delivered that insulted Brooks's relative. If violence like this is allowed in office then this is only the start for the country.
  • Election 1856

    Election 1856
    The people that were running were Jame Buchanan and John C. Frémont. Since Jame Buchanan won it was a Democrat in office right after a Democrat. This is would make a-slavery groups mad because they would have wanted a Republican office making out conflict more prominent.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    LeCompton Constitution
    Pro-slavery Kansans wanted to write a state constitution to insure they have the right to have slaves in the state. This document would protect the slaveholder's rights. Anti-Slavery groups were upset and said that they had the right to vote on it.
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Dred Scott was an African American slave whose master passed away. Since he was in a free state he tried suing because he was supposed to be free. His lawyer took this all the way up to the Supreme Court, and they ruled that he was property and not a citizen so he had no right to sue. This of course would anger abolitionist and anti-slavery states because he was supposed to be a resident and have rights.
  • House Divided Speech

    House Divided Speech
    This was a speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln to be a warning to the people of the United States. That they can't be against each other or it will eventually lead to the destruction of everything they made. This gained Lincoln respect, so they nominated him to run as the Republican candidate for President.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    There were seven debates between the two because they were arguing on behalf of their party. The main focus of the debates was slavery and its influence on America. These debates would give Lincoln respect to be elected as the president.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    John Brown led a raid on Harper's Ferry with 21 men. This raid causes 16 people to die inducing 10 of Brown's own men. He wanted to cause a revolt for the slaves to be free. Some slave owners gave their slaves weapons to protect the house. This would lead to John Brown's trial and later execution.
  • John Brown's Execution

    John Brown's Execution
    After the raid in Harper's Ferry John Brown was put on trial for treason. He was found guilty of committing treason, muder, and slave insurrection. He was sentenced to be hanged for his crimes against the state. He even got an escort to the gallows in case people were planning to save him. This would make the anti-slavery party upset that they lost such a big abolitionist in their movement.
  • Election 1860

    Election 1860
    This election's candidates were Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, John Breckenridge, and John Bell. Lincoln faced off with Douglas in the North, but Breckenridge and Bell faced off with each other in the South. The Republican party was hated so much by the South that when Lincoln won the presidency they left the Union after a year of him in office.
  • Secession

    When Lincoln won office the Southerns were upset and break away. Following South Carolina, Georiga, Florida, Alamba, Missippissi, Louisiana, and Teaxs succeed. This majorly cause the Civil War to start because the South was saying that they had enough.
  • Lincoln's 1" inaugural Address

    Lincoln's 1" inaugural Address
    Lincoln's address was more so trying to find common ground and obtain peace between the North and South. Lincoln was trying not to have a Civil war, but the South wanted to go to war with the North. The war started on April 12th, 1861, a month after his address.