The war of 1812 lesson plan  antx04x14o22 picture 2

1812 War Timeline

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    Impressment of sailors.

    Impressment of sailors Is what first Triggered The Up and coming War of 1812.
    On June, 22nd Of 1807
    The British Ship HMS Leopard Fired At the USS Chesapeake Which Lead up to Impressment Of American Sailors.
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    Non-Intercourse Act.

    On March 1st 1809 The Non-intercourse Act
    Was place by President James Madison
    To prevent Trading From France And Great Britain.
  • Part of What lead up to the War

    Part of What lead up to the War
    The Actions that led up to the Great war of 1812
    Were mainly From both sides.
    The U.S cut off many Trade lines with Great Britain.
    Although Britain also Shot many Ships from the U.S navy.
    Many of these actions Led up to This War.
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    1812 Beginning

    1812 is the beginning of The great war
    That U.S Hosted against Great Britain This war Is
    Definitely a big part of U.S history.
    with this timeline I will be talking About The great war of 1812.
  • Navy battle.

     Navy battle.
    On September 10, 1813
    A naval battle That was led By Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry.
    Which was In order to secure control over Lake Erie
    For The U.S.
  • Battle Of the Thames.

    A Victory for the U.S Was taken place In Ontario.
    On October 5th, 1813.
    But this Battle resulted in the Death of A Key Native American Leader, Tecumseh.
  • The battle Of Horseshoe Bend.

    The battle Of Horseshoe Bend.
    In The battle of Horseshoe Bend It results in A huge Triumph For the U.S. Which was Lead by Andrew Jackson where they,
    Surprised attacked The Creek defenses leading to a Significant Advantage for their fight.
    Over 800 Creeks, Killed, Wounded and Captured.