
  • Mexico Wins its Independence (1821)

    Mexico Wins its Independence (1821)
    Mexico wins it's independence from Spain after being under Spain's control for 300 years.
  • The United States and Great Britain Both Own Oregon Country (1827)

    The United States and Great Britain Both Own Oregon Country (1827)
    Many nations wanted Oregon Country it was filled with many rich resources. Who wouldn't want it?! The united States and Great Britain agreed to both own it together.
  • Mexico Abolished Slavery (1829)

    Mexico Abolished Slavery (1829)
    Mexico abolished slavery on February 14, 1829. That lead to texans being mad because they wanted slavery and Mexico abolished it and texans didn't want to live under mexico's rules anymore.
  • Antonia Lopez de Santa Anna was elected president in Mexico (1833)

    Antonia Lopez de Santa Anna was elected president in Mexico (1833)
    In 1833 Antonia Lopez de Santa Anna was elected president in Mexico. He began his military career in the spanish army but then later supported Mexican Independence. He later took office and became the president.
  • Texan Revolution Broke out at Gonzales (1835)

    Texan Revolution Broke out at Gonzales (1835)
    In 1835 the Texan Revolution broke out at Gonzales. The Texan settlers had become very unhappy with the mexican rule. This problem grew bigger and then war began.
  • Texas became its own Country (1836)

    Texas became its own Country (1836)
    In 1836 Texas became its own country called Lone Star Republic. Sam houston was the president of this country. They wanted the Lone Star Republic to become part of the United States but slavery was an issue and that didn't let them become part of the U.S.
  • California Revolts! (1836)

    California Revolts! (1836)
    `American settlers in California rebel against the Mexican government. Americans proclaim the short lived California republic.
  • Pioneers Start Traveling the Oregon Trail (1840)

    Pioneers Start Traveling the Oregon Trail (1840)
    More than 300,000 people traveled this trail. This trail became a very popular trail. People wanted to find new horizons so they traveled this trail to find freedom and cheap land. But it was a very hard journey and many people didn't make it to Oregon.
  • United States Declared War Against Mexico (1846)

    United States Declared War Against Mexico (1846)
    The United states declared war against mexico in 1846. Texans struggled for independence from Mexico and its annexation by the United States led to the Mexican war.
  • Gold was found (1848)

    Gold was found (1848)
    In 1848 a man named John Sutter started a business called "Sutter's Fort". A worker one day found flutters of gold in the stream. John Sutter tried to keep it a secret but the word got out. Then the rush for gold was on!