Napoleonic Wars
Napoleon I and the French Empire fight against fluctuating European powers formed into coalitions. -
Congress of Vienna meets to restore stability in Europe
Congress of Vienna conducted many treaties between itself and France. -
Napoleon deafeated at Waterloo
Napoleon is defeated by the Duke of Wellington, ending the Napoleonic era in Europe. -
Liverpool-Manchester Railroad opens
The railway was a much needed necessity for the two cities' factory owners because of the high cost to transport raw materials from ports. -
Victoria begins her reign in Britain
Queen Victoria began her rule from June 1837 until her death. -
Potato famine in Ireland begins
The Irish Potato Famine ran for six years and killed over a million people and caused another million to flee the country. -
Revolutions of 1848
Beginning in Sicily and later spreading to France and other countries, the revolutions of 1848 were fights against European monarchs to gain independence. -
Major European Revolutions
After major famines had struck and suffrage had been distributed, the people of Europe revolted. -
Marx & Engels publish "The Communist Manifesto"
The pamphlet proclaimed that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." -
Major European Revolutions (Part 2)
The Revolutions of 1848 were fought against European monarchs. The revolutions ended in failure and repression. -
Greek Independence
Greece, which was in the Ottoman Empire at the time, fought against the empire to establish independence. -
Crimean War
The Russian Empire lost alliances with France, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia. -
Bessemer Process is invented
The Bessemer Process is a steel-making process that was developed by Henry Bessemer in 1856. -
Britain begins rule of India
British Crown abolished the East India Company and began ruling over India. -
Charles Darwin publishes the "Origins of Species"
or more completely, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" -
Czar Alexander II frees the Serfs
Czar Alexander II accompanied 17 legislative acts that freed the serfs in the Russian Empire. -
Britain grants Canada self-rule
Britain passed the British North American Act to grant Canada independence, although it was still a colony for many more years. -
Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary
The dual monarchy was formed through a constitutional agreement called the Compromise. -
Dynamite invented
Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel and was the first safely manageable explosive that was stronger than black powder. -
French built Suez Canal opens in Egypt
The French agreed with the Ottoman governor of Egypt to build a canal 100 miles across the Suez. -
Italy unifies
It takes 22 years for the unification of Italy. -
Franco-Prussian War
Napoleon III fights against the Kingdom of Germany under the rule of Prussia. -
Germany unifies
Germany unifies after the Franco-Prussian War with the French defeated. -
Czar Alexander II assassinated
Czar Alexander II was assassinated in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. -
European Nations carve up Africa at Berlin Conference
The regulation of European colonization and trade in Africa. -
Dreyfus convicted of treason
Alfred Dreyfus was an artillery gunner with a Jewish background who was wrongfully convicted.