Period: to
1800's Timeline
Napoleonic Wars Begin
Napoleon's rise to power and latent despotism encouraged him to claim the title of Emporer and begin to launch a variety of campagins against the extant European monarchies. -
Congress of Vienna meets to restore stability in Europe
After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, the powers of Europe had to attempt to redistribute land taken by France and restore stability. -
Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
The end of the Napoleonic wars when Napoleon was defeated by a coalition of forces in Waterloo, then part of the Netherlands. -
Year of Revolutions
Revolutions swept through Spain, Portugal, Russia, and Italy in this year. -
Liverpool-Manchester Railroad opens
Manchester-Liverpool Railroad Opens
The first railway to rely exclusively on steam power, no horses included. -
Revolutions of 1830
Revolutions begin in Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, and France. -
Greek Independence
Greece finally achieves independence from the Ottomans after eleven years of fighting. -
Queen Victoria Begins her Regin in Britain.
Queen Victoria begins her regin, which would last longer than any other British Monarch before or since. -
Potato Famine in Ireland Begins
The famine in Ireland hits, causing 20-25% of the Irish population to starve or emigrate over the course of seven years. -
Marx and Engles Publish The Communist Manifesto
Economist Karl Marx, author of Das Kapital, publishes his work with co-author Friedrich Engles -
Second Wave of Revolutions Begin in Europe
Revolution begins in Sicily and spreads to France, Germany, Italy, and the Austrian Empire -
Crimean War Begins
The Crimean War, a conflict mainly between Russia and the Ottoman Empire begins; it would last until 1856. -
Bessemer Process is invented
The process of improving the smelting of pig iron into steel. -
Britian Begins Rule in India
The rule of the East India Company was transferred to the British Raj. -
Charles Darwin Publishes the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin publishes his controversial treatise on the Theory of Evolution based on his studies of the biodiversity of the Galapagos island chain. -
Czar Alexander II Frees the Serfs
Czar Alexander, the Last Great Czar, abolishes serfdom in the Russian empire. -
Dynamite is invented
Alfred Nobel took out his patent for dynamite after an explosive period of development. -
Britian Grants Canada Self-Rule
Britain allows Canada to be governed by its own Parliament, yetretains control of foreign policy through a stipulation of the confedracy act. -
Dual Monarchy of Austria Hungary
The establishment of the Dual Monarchy, as Franz Joseph I is named King of Hungary. -
French Built Suez Canal Opens in Egypt
The waterway between the Red Sea and the Mediterranian, built and operated by the French opens to ships. -
Franco Prussian War begins
The war between the French and the Prussians begins over the issue of German unification. It would last until 1871 -
Unification of Italy
Italy unifies into a single nation. -
Germany Unifies
Germany unifies as a result of the Franco-Prussian war. -
Czar Alexander II is Assasinated
Czar Alexander is assasinated in the street outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. -
European Nations Carve Up Africa at the Berlin Conference
The Scramble for Africa occurs as imperial powers begin to divy up the continent. -
Dreyfus Convicted of Treason
The Dreyfus Affair ends with the conviction of Alfred Dreyfus, an Jewish artillery officer in France of treason.