
  • Date #1

    •1803 Louisiana Purchase •President Thomas Jefferson authorizes purchase of the Louisiana territory from France and almost doubles the size of the United States.
  • Date #2

    •War of 1812 with Britain •War between Britain and America lasting for two and half years over trade and naval restrictions.
  • Date #3

    •1830 “Underground Railroad” established

    •A network of secret routes and safe houses to help slaves escape to freedom in the North.
  • Date #4

    •1844- Samuel Morse sends first telegraph message •This changes the face of communication for the entire world and allows an information to spread more quickly and easily than ever before
  • Date #5

    •1860 Abraham Lincoln elected President •Shortly after his election, the Confederate States secede from the Union, starting the Civil War
  • Date #6

    •1863, July 1-3rd Battle of Gettysburg •Largest Civil War Battles and turning point of the war, leading to a Union victory
  • Date #7

    •1865, April 14 - Lincoln assassinated •Lincoln was assassinated 5 days after the surrender of Robert E. Lee (after the Civil War ended)