1800's timeline

  • Period: to

    Napoleonic wars

    Napoleon goes to war with many countries
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    Congress of Vienna

    Conference of ambassadors meet to discuss peace between countries
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    Italy unifies

    Italy combines all their states into one single state of Italian Kingdom
  • Napoleon defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated after many tactical errors
  • Period: to

    Greek independance

    Greek fight a huge war for independance
  • Liverpool Manchester railroad opens

    First modern railroad is opened in Britan
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    Queen Victoria begins her reign on Britain

    Queen Victoria rules over Britain
  • Potato famine of Ireland begins

    Potato crops become infected and everyone starves
  • Revolutions of 1848

    A series of republican revolts against the monarchy
  • Marx and Engels publish the communist manefesto

    Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish the communist manefesto
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    Years of major European revolutions

    A major revolution mostly involved with political upheval
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    Crimean war

    War between Russia and allied France, Britain, Ottoman empire, and Sardinia.
  • Bessemer process is invented

    Henry Bessemer invents a way to make steel from pig iron
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    Britain begins rule of India

    A period where Britain ruled over the subcontinent India.The rule of the east India company was handed over to Queen Victoria
  • Charles Darwin publishes "The Origin Of Species"

    Charles Darwin publishes his book on natural selection
  • Czar Alexander frees the serfs

    Czar Alexander abolishes serfdom in Russia
  • Britain grants Canada self rule

    A greater freedom was raised in colonies starting in Canada allowing taxation and other laws to be made to their liking with only a permanent tax to Britain the home country
  • Dual monarchy of Austria Hungary

    Austria and Hungary share a monarchy
  • Dynamite is invented

    Dynamite is invented as an alternative to black powder explosives
  • French built Suez Canal opens in Egypt

    100 mile canal known as the Suez opens in Egypt after being built
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    Franco Prussian war

    War between France and Germany
  • Germany unifies

    Germany integrates as a union state
  • Period: to

    European nations carve up Africa at the Berlin confrence

    The nations split up Africa to rule over smaller nations
  • Czar Alexander is assassinated

    Czar Alexander is assassinated via explosive attack in St.Petersburg
  • Dreyfus convicted of treason

    French officer Alfred Dreyfus is convicted of treason