1800's timeline

  • Napoleonic wars

    Series of conflict between France and other European nations.
  • Congress of Vienna meets to restore stability in Europe

    All European states were trying to restore old times. They were restoring the balance of power and rewarding and punishing people who were involved in the Napoleonic war.
  • Napoleon defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon's marched into Belgium/Napoleons defeated the Prussians
  • Period: to

    Greek independence

    a war of independence against the Ottomon Empire
  • LiverPool-Manchester railroad opens

    World's first intercity passenger railway.
    (Created by Joseph Sanders and William James and led by others)
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    Queen Victoria begins her reign

    Queen of United Kingdom and Ireland
  • Potato Famine In Ireland

    The potato's were the staple food. The potato famine killed a ton of people and made people leave their homes. 1845-1852
  • Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto

    Written about the history of society and class struggles.
  • Period: to

    Crimean War

    Russian empire lost an empire of France, Britain, Ottomon empire, and sardiana.
  • Bessemer Process Invented

    The industrial process for mass- production of steel.
  • Period: to

    Britain Grants Canada Self Rule

    Britain agreed to a confederation of North American Colonies
  • British Raj

    British Crown rule was established.
    (First war of Indian Independence) 1858-1947
  • French- Built Suez Canal Opens in Egypt

    The construction had begin to build a canal 100 miles across the Isthmus of Suez.
  • Charles Darwin publishes Origins Of Species

    "Preservation of favored races in the struggles for life"
  • Czar Alexander II frees the serfs

    Manifesto issued to free the serfs of the Russian Empire
  • Dynamite Invented

    Blasting rock in the 1800's/ Dynamite is an explosive used for mining and demolition.
  • Period: to

    Franco-Prussian War

    War of 1870 conflict between the Second French Empire Of Napoleon III and the German states of the North German Confederation.
  • Italy Unified

    Italian army slowly advanced to Rome
  • Germany Unified

    Bismarck turned to realpolitik to unite the German Provinces
  • Czar Alexander II killed

    Czar was killed in St. Petersburg. He was killed by a bomb by a member of "The People's Will" Which was a terrorism group.
  • European Nations carve up Africa at the Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference met up to divide Africa.
  • Dreyfus convicted of treason

    Dreyfus was convicted of passing military secrets.