Could the south have won the civil war


  • The Capital is Moved to Washington D.C.

    The Capital is Moved to Washington D.C.
  • Thomas Jeffersomn is elected 3rd President of the US

    Thomas Jeffersomn is elected 3rd President of the US
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Despite being one of the most antigovernment presidents in the history of our nation, Thomas Jefferson made one of the largest purchases in the history of our nation. He bought the territory of Louisiana for 15 million dollars.
  • James Maddison is elected president

    James Maddison is elected president
  • Period: to

    the war of 1812

    A war fought withe the British over injustices excised upon us like impressment. When America won, it gave the young nation a new respect among the nations.
  • The US Gains Florida

    The US Gains Florida
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    After tensions rose among states as to which states would be slave states and which would be free, a compromise was decided upon. Maine was admitted as a free state while Missouri was added as a slave state. And Missouri also became the boundary for free states and slave states.
  • Andrew Jackson is elected the 7th president

    Andrew Jackson is elected the 7th president
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected 16th president

    Abraham Lincoln  is elected 16th president
  • Period: to

    The civil war

    A war over Slavery that pitted brother against brother. A waer which threatened to tear our nation apart. However, we would endure.
  • Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

    Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
    In the Peterson house, Lincoln would spend his final moments enjoying a play before he was murdered by John Wilkes Booth.