
  • Library of Congress is founded

  • D.C. becomes the Nation's new Capital

  • John Marshall is appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated for his first term as President of the United States.
  • US war with Tropoli

  • Marbury vs Madison

    This case established the Supreme Court's position as an equal member of the three branches of United States government.
  • Ohio becomes 17th state

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

  • Jefferson is inaugurated for second term

  • War of 1812

  • Treaty of Ghent is signed

  • Panic of 1819

  • Adams-Onis Treaty

  • McCulloch v Maryland

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • John Quincy Adams is inaugurated as President

  • Erie Canal

  • Nat Turner Revolt

  • Texas Declares its independence from Mexico

  • Annexation of Texas

  • Mexican War

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  • Bleeding Kansas

  • Abraham Lincoln is inagurated

  • Civil War

  • Battle of Gettysberg

  • The Gettysburg Address

  • End of Civil War

  • The Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery, takes effect

  • Women's Suffrage

  • The 15th Amendment

  • The Great Depression

  • The Civil Rights Act