
  • Capital moved from Philadelphia to Washington D.C.

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Thomas Jefferson inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court decision

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Lewis and Clark set out from St. Louis to explore

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Jefferson’s second inauguration

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • James Madison inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Madison's Second inauguration

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Star Spangled Banner is written

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • James Monroe inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • McCulloch v. Maryland Supreme Court decision

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Missouri Compromise

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Monroe's Second inauguration

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Monroe Doctrine

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Articles of Confederation as constitution

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Gibbons v Ogden Supreme court decision

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • John Q Adams inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Erie Canal opened

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Andrew Jackson inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Indian Removal Act passed

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Andrew Jackson second inauguration

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Texas declares independence

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Martin Van Buren inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Trail of Tears

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • William H Harrison

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • James Polk inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Manifest Destiny term coined

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Wilmont Proviso introduced

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Period: to

    Mexican War

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Gold discovered at Sutter's Mill

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • Zachary Taylor inaugurated

    (InfoPlease.com Writer, 2018)
  • New York Times founded

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Republican Party founded

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Pottawatomie Massacre

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Abraham Lincoln inaugurated

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • The Pony Express

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • South Carolina Secedes

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • First income tax

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Homestead Act passed

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Battle of Shiloh

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Battles of Bull Run

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • First underground railway

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • First submarine warfare

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Ku Klux Klan created

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Thirteenth amendment ratified

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Abraham Lincoln Assassination

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Dynamite invented

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • fourteenth amendment ratified

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Ulysses S Grant inaugurated

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Franco Prussian War

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • John D Rockefeller creates Standard Oil company

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Can Opener invented

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Great Chicago fire

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Yellowstone National Park is first national park

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Republican elephant started

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • First Kentucky derby

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • first telephone

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)
  • Period: to

    Great Sioux War

    (ThePeopleHistory.com Writer, 2018)