East India Company
English company formed for the exploitation of trade. It started as a monopolistic trading body. Became involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism. -
Acts of Union
Formation of England parliament and Scotland parliament to form Great Britain. The two countries shared a monarch since 1603 in the Union of Crowns. -
Population growth
There was a drastic increase of population growth in the 18 century but especially after 1750. This was because of fewer deaths, and a higher birth rate. There were fewer deaths, because of the disappearance of the bubonic plague. This was because of stricter quarantine put on people diagnosed with the plague. -
Atlantic Slave Trade
The growing volume of the transatlantic trade drew the four continents into an increasingly integrated economic system. Intensified after 1750 and peaked in the 1780s. The rise of plantation agriculture was responsible for the tremendous growth of the slave trade. -
War of Austrian Succession
Became a world war that included Anglo-French conflicts in India and North America. This war ended in no change in the territorial situation in North America. This means no country got more of an economic advantage from gaining more land from the colonies. -
Seven Years War
Decisive round in the Franco-British competition for colonial empire. Conflict split Europe into two coalitions, one led by Great Britain and the kingdom of Prussia. -
Mercantilism and colonial wars
Britain used superior sea power to destroy the french fleet. It also was used to choke off British commerce around the world. A fourth month siege by the naval fleet sealed a victory in Quebec. -
Cottage Manufacturing
In 1762 the government encouraged the growth of cottage manufacturing. Because of this, France and other countries experienced expansion of the rural areas. -
inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
influenced people, setting the terms for economic debate and discussion. For example, Alexander Hamilton was convinced by it and wrote the report on manufactures. It was the product of 17 years of notes and earlier works. -
Mughal dynasty
Mughal dynasty that ruled most of northern India until the mid 18 century. After it continued to exist as a considerably reduced and powerless entity. Famous for their two centuries of effective rule. Also famous for the ability of its rulers, through seven generations maintained a record of unusual talent.