The French Revolution

  • Napoleon came to an agreement with the pope

    Napoleon came to an agreement with the pope
    Napoleon came to an agreement with the pope, that recognized "Catholicism" as the religion of a majority of the French people.
  • Bad Harvests

    Bad Harvests
    Bad harvests and a slowdown in manufacturing led to food shortages, rising food prices, and unemployment.
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General at Versailles.
  • The Third Estate

    The Third Estate
    The Third Estate boldly declared that it was the National Assembly and would draft a constitution.
  • Parisians Gathered

    Parisians Gathered
    900 Parisians gathered in the courtyard of the Bastille.
  • Abolish all legal privileges

    Abolish all legal privileges
    National Assembly decided to abolish all legal privileges of the nobles and clergy.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
  • Affirmed the "Rights of Man"

    Affirmed the "Rights of Man"
    National Assembly affirmed the "Right of Man" and set up a limited monarchy in the constitution.
  • The royal family attempted to flee France

    The royal family attempted to flee France
    The royal family attempted to flee France in disguise, they almost succeeded in reaching allies in the east, but they were recognized and were captured at Varennes and brought back to Paris.
  • The Legislative Assembly met

    The Legislative Assembly met
    The new Legislative Assembly met for the first time in October and amended the constitution to allow for trying the king if he turned against the nation.
  • The first day of....

    The first day of....
    The first day of the French Republic and the autumnal equinox.
  • Many things begin

    Many things begin
    Revolts begin in western France; counterrevolution executed; anti-Catholic laws passed.
  • Society for Revolutionary Republican Woman in Paris

     Society for Revolutionary Republican Woman in Paris
    Two women founded the Society for Revolutionary Republican Woman in Paris.
  • A public ceremony dedicated for worship

    A public ceremony dedicated for worship
    A public ceremony dedicated for worship of reason was held in the former cathedral.
  • Law of 22 Prairial & French army ends threat

    Law of 22 Prairial & French army ends threat
    Law of 22 Prairial gives Robespierre more power; French army ends threat of foreign invasion.
  • Ordering of execution

    Ordering of execution
    Committee of the Public Safety orders Robespierre's execution.
  • Law of 22 Prairial repealed along with release for the prisoners

    Law of 22 Prairial repealed along with release for the prisoners
    Law of 22 Prairial repealed & the release of prisoners began.
  • the Constitution set up legislative housing

    the Constitution set up legislative housing
    The Constitution of 1795 set up two legislative houses, a lower house and an upper house.
  • Napoleon became commander

    Napoleon became commander
    Napoleon became commander of the French armies in Italy.
  • 1795 - 1799

    1795 - 1799
    The Directory lasted from 1795 to 1799.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte toppled the Directory

    Napoleon Bonaparte toppled the Directory
    Napoleon Bonaparte toppled the Directory in a coup d'etat and seized power.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte has power

    Napoleon Bonaparte has power
    Napoleon Bonaparte came into power.
  • The British had defeated the French naval forces supporting Napoleon's army

    The British had defeated the French naval forces supporting Napoleon's army
    The British had defeated the French naval forces supporting Napoleon's army in Egypt by this time.
  • A peace treaty was signed

    A peace treaty was signed
    A peace treaty was signed, but didn't last long.
  • Napoleon was named consul

    Napoleon was named consul
    Napoleon was named first consul for life.
  • War with Britain broke out

    War with Britain broke out
    War with Britain broke out once again.
  • Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory

    Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory
    Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States for fifteen million dollars.
  • Civil Code, or Napoleonic Code, was introduced

    Civil Code, or Napoleonic Code, was introduced
    Civil Code, or Napoleonic Code, was introduced and it preserved many principles that the revolutionaries had fought for.
  • British defeated the combined French and Spanish fleet

    British defeated the combined French and Spanish fleet
    British defeated the combined French and Spanish fleet at Trafalgar.
  • 1807 - 1817

    1807 - 1817
    Napoleon was the master of Europe.
  • Napoleon's downfall began

    Napoleon's downfall began
    Napoleon's downfall began when he decided to invade Russia.
  • Six hundred thousand men entered Russia

     Six hundred thousand men entered Russia
    Grand Army of more than six hundred thousand men entered Russia.
  • Fewer than forty thousand of the original six hundred thousand men entered Russia

    Fewer than forty thousand of the original six hundred thousand men entered Russia
    Fewer than forty thousand of the original six hundred thousand men actually entered Russia.
  • Paris was....

    Paris was....
    Paris was captured.
  • Napoleon entered Paris

    Napoleon entered Paris
    Napoleon entered Paris in Triumph.
  • Napoleon met with a combined British and Prussian army under the Duke of Wellington

    Napoleon met with a combined British and Prussian army under the Duke of Wellington
    Napoleon met with a combined British and Prussian army under the Duke of Wellington and suffered a bloody defeat at Waterloo in Belgium.
  • Napoleons death

    Napoleons death