17th centuryimage

17th Century

  • Tobacco Trade from Virginia to England

    Tobacco Trade from Virginia to England
    The first barrels of tobacco arrives in England from the colony of Virginia
  • The Trade between America and England is Increasing

    The Trade between America and England is Increasing
    Ships are carrying thousands of pounds of tobacco annually from Virginia to England. Smoking has become a fad in England, with King James describing it as "loathsome," harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs.
  • Puritans Miss Their Destination

    Puritans Miss Their Destination
    Puritans are blown off course with their ships in the Atlantic and instead land in Massachusetts.
  • Thanksgiving

    The Pilgrims in Massachusetts have a meal with the Wampanoag chieftain, Massasoit, and more than ninety of his warriors. The Pilgrims have been struggling and are thankful. The day is to be celebrated in the United States as Thanksgiving.
  • War Breaks Out

    War Breaks Out
    Another war between the English and Dutch has begun. English soldiers seize the town of New Amsterdam and rename it, New York, after the king's brother, the Duke of York.
  • Parliament Gets Busy

    Parliament Gets Busy
    Parliament creates a Bill of Rights and the Toleration Act. Freedom of speech is guaranteed. People have the right to petition the government. They are to be free from cruel and unusual punishments. They are not to be compelled to become members of the Church of England.