17th - 18th Century, Five Major Gasses Discovered

  • Period: to

    1700 - 1800

  • Hydrogen

    discovered by Henry Cavendish
    The name is derived from the Greek 'hydro' and 'genes' meaning water forming.
  • Nitrogen

    discovered by Rutherford
    The name is derived from the Greek 'nitron' and 'genes' meaning nitre forming.

  • Oxygen

    discovered by Priestly in England ; Scheele in Sweden
    The name comes from the Greek 'oxy genes', meaning acid forming.

    O2, O3
  • Helium

    discovered by Pierre Janssen & Norman Lockyer
    The name is derived from the Greek, 'helios' meaning sun, as it was in the sun's corona that helium was first detected. (H)
  • Krypton

    discovered by Ramsay & Travers
    The name is derived from the Greek 'kryptos', meaning hidden.

    (84 Kr)