
  • Withdrawal of Irish expedition

  • Battle of Rivoli

  • Mantua fell

  • Return to metallic currency

  • British naval victory at St Vincent

  • Babeuf's trial began

    The trial took place in Vendôme. The Conspiracy of the Equals (French: Conjuration des Égaux) of May 1796 was a failed coup d'etat during the French Revolution. Wanted to overthrow the Directory and replace it with an egalitarian and proto-socialist republic, inspired by Jacobin ideals.
  • Treaty of Tolentino with the Pope

    a peace treaty between Revolutionary France and the Papal States
  • Venetian Republic occupied

  • Execution of Babeuf

  • Cisalpine Republic created

  • Political clubs closed

  • Laws against clergy repealed

  • Coup d'état of Fructidor

    a seizure of power in France by members of the Directory, the government of the French First Republic, with support from the French military.
    This was because of the results that made royalist gain majority of the seats
  • Carnot and Barthélemy removed from Directory

  • British peace overtures rejected

  • Consolidation of Two Thirds Debt

    issued one-time only paper bonds that would be redeemable for national lands;[2] similar to what the Assignat was originally before it became a paper currency The value of these bonds was only one third of the value of the national debt,
  • British naval victory at Camperdown

  • Peace of Campo Formio

    Treaty of Campo Formio between the French Republic and Austria