
  • Fabre d'Eglantine arrested

    Invented the names of the months of the new calendar
  • First Law of Ventôse

    Confiscate the property of exiles and opponents of the Revolution, and redistribute it to the needy.
  • Second Law of Ventôse

  • Arrest of Hébertists

  • Hébertists executed

  • Revolutionary Armies disbanded

  • Danton and Desmoulins executed

    16 germinal
  • Festival of the Supreme Being

  • Law of 22 Prairial

    to streamline revolutionary justice, denying the accused any effective right to self-defense and eliminating all sentences other than acquittal or death.
  • Battle of Fleurus

  • Wage controls introduced in Paris

  • Fall of Robespierre (Coup of Thermidor)

    27-28 July 1794 (9-10 thermidor)
  • Law of 22 Prairial repealed

    Government reorganised
  • Revolutionary Tribunal reorganised

  • Reorganisation of government

  • Trial of Nantes federalists

  • State renounced all subsidies to religion

  • Jacobin Club closed

  • Carrier sent for trial

  • Reinstatement of surviving Girondins

  • Execution of Carrier

    Killed many ppl in the Vendée rebellion
  • General Maximum abolished

  • Invasion of Holland