• What is the Third Estate? Published

    By Clergyman Emmanuel Seiyes.
    25% of women and 50% of men in Paris were literate and the city had a thriving printing industry.
    What is the third estate? Everything.
  • The Law of Municipalities

    Reorganization of local government:
    France split into 83 departments.
  • Elections for the General Election

    Indirectly elected by the public. Only upper class third estates.
    Based on 80,000 Cahiers de doléances coming from the 3rd Estate. Some iliterate 3rd Estate were helped by the society of the 300 (laffyette).
  • August Decrees: Abolition of Feudal Rights

    No privilidges inc taxes and rents.
    Passed after only one night of debate.
  • The Great Fear

    Riots in the countryside/south. Attacking feudal lords. Perpetuated by the rumours that the 2nd estate were hording food/grain to starve the public.
    Bread prices had risen to 80% of the public's wages.
  • Period: to


  • Estates General

    Didn't vote by head, couldn't agree on anything, held at a non neutral ground (Versille).
    1 and 2 wanted to meet separately, while 3 wanted to meet as a group-
  • National Assembly created

    Started meeting separately,
    JULY 9th- became a constituent Assembly, started drawing up the new values for the country.
  • Tennis Court Oaths

    'we're not gonna break up until we've established our constitution'.
    'Fine we WILL meet seperately.'
  • Necker Dismissed

    Well liked amongst people because:
    Made finances public, negotiated low interest loans, seen as a man of the people, connected to Madame de stael.
  • Storming of The Bastille

    Thousands of parisians storm the prison in search of gunpowder. frenzy :)
    Called to arms by the dismissal of Necker and the words of Desmoulins.
  • Invention of the National Guard

    Lead by Laffyette.
    Turning point in the techniques of the revolutionaries- an official militia.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Inspired by the American Declaration of Independence.
    Men are born and remain free and equal in rights
  • King Granted Suspensory Veto

    Could delay laws for up to four years.
  • Paris Commune created

  • Women's March (Oct Days)

    Forced the royal family into Paris.
    Price of bread had gone to 80% of peasants wages.
    6,000 attendants- mostly women.
  • National Assembly moves to Paris

    Creates a kind of centralized breeding ground for revolutionary ideas.
  • Jacobin Club Formed

    Named after the religious convent they previously met at. (ironic)
  • Nationalisation of Church Property

    Lessened church power.
    Paid for countries dept.
    Like the religious version of removing feudal privileges.
  • Oath to the Civil Constitution

    Only half of the clergy took it.
  • Introduction of Assignats

    Short term solution.