Spinning Jenny invented
Steam engine
James watts- powered by coal -
Water powered loom invented
Congress of Vienna
Hosted by Austrian emporer and Prince Klemens von Metternich -> "The conservative agenda" -
Dutch uprising
Frankenstein was published by Mary Shelley
Belgian revolt and independance
Louis-Phillippe (revolution)
Reform act- Great Britain
Factory act (labor)
Period: to
Opium War
China and Britain over trade (tea and opium) -
G.B.- 'as much cotton as you can'
Mines act (labor)
Frankfurt assembly
A outbreak of revolutions through europe
Italy, Germany, France, Austria -
Restoration of Austrian control in Lombardy and Venetia
50% living in cities in G.B.- only 25% in France and Germany
Louis Napolean becomes dictator by Coup D'etat
G.B.- 3 million tons of Iron (more then rest of world combined)
Crimean war (Russia, Britain, France, and Turks)
Italian conflict w/Austria
Darwin's book, 'On the origin of species' published
Tsar Alexander the 2nd emancipated serfs
German war w/Denmark
German war w/Austria
Venetia added to Italy
Austrian war w/Prussia
Aussgleich compromise
Reform bill- Britain
German war w/France
Rome added to Italy
Frence war w/Prussia
Tsar Alexander the 2nd assasinated by Lenin's radicals with grenade