
Deadly Tsunamis Chris Boyd

  • 1755 Lisbon, Portugal M: 9.0

    1755 Lisbon, Portugal   M: 9.0
    20,000 killed
    People at higher ground escaped flooding water but burdened with raging fires. Happened on All Saints Day!
  • 1883 Krakatoa Japan

    1883 Krakatoa Japan
    Kills 36,000 people
    The volcano collapsed in the ocean, tsunami wave was 120 ft tall
  • 1946 Unimak Island Alaska M: 8.1

    1946 Unimak Island Alaska  M: 8.1
    160 people died
    100 ft wave hits the shore and smashed a 30 ft lighthouse to pieces
  • 1960 Isla Chiloe, Chile M: 9.5

    1960 Isla Chiloe, Chile    M: 9.5
    Killed 61 Hawaiians, Hilo Hawaii
    Tsunami triggered by the largest earthquake in the world and hit Hawaii 15 hour later
  • 1964 Valdez, Alaska M: 9.2

    1964 Valdez, Alaska    M: 9.2
    130 fatalities including 13 in CA & 5 in OR
    Largest earthquake in North America & second largest recorded anywhere, spawning 220 ft waves
  • 1993 Hokkaido, Japan M: 7.7

    1993 Hokkaido, Japan  M: 7.7
    the Tsunami was responsible for 239 deaths
    Island Okushiri was hardest hit and the waves were 2-7 minutes apart
  • 1998 Papau, New Guinea M : 7.0

    1998 Papau, New Guinea  M : 7.0
    1600 confirmed deaths, although believed to be closer to 2200
    Tsunami was comprised of 3 waves over 16 ft, killing 20-40% of the population.
  • 2004 Sumatra, Indonesia M: 9.3

    2004 Sumatra, Indonesia  M: 9.3
    230,000 fatalities
    known as the Boxing Day Tsunami, considered the deadliest in history. Waves arrived only 20 minutes after the earthquake
  • 2009 Samoa, US Territory M:8.1

    2009 Samoa, US Territory  M:8.1
    Waves were over 72 ft killing 192 people
    Cars and homes were swept out to sea and some villages were completely wiped out. Estimates of $200 million in damages
  • 2010 Talcahuano,Chile M: 8.8

    2010 Talcahuano,Chile  M: 8.8
    Tsunami death toll = 550
    The waves caused minor damage as far as San Diego CA. Tsunami warnings were issued in 53 countries.
  • 2011 Tohoku, Japan M: 9.1

    2011 Tohoku, Japan   M: 9.1
    Confirmed deaths 15,894 with 2500 still missing
    Waves destroyed seawalls and a massive surge destroyed buildings where people huddled for safety. A giant, offshore whirlpool was captured on video near Oarai.