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Toussaint Rebellion
Toussaint Louverture was the leader of the Haitian Revolution. His military genius and good politics led to the establishment of the independent black state of Haiti, making slaves into a free, self-governing people. -
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American Revolution
The American Revolution is when the original 13 british colonies declared independence from Great Britian. This Revolution inspired a chain of other revolutions during this time period. -
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Reign Of King Louis XVI
He was king of France, until he was beheaded after the end of the French Revolution. -
Spinning Mule Developed
The spinning mule is a machine used to spin cotton and other fibres. -
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Simon Bolivar
He was a military leader during the Venezuelan revolution and became the Venezuelan President after the revolution. -
Jame Watt perfects the Steam Engine
A Scottish instrument maker, James Watt, desicovered that steam would excape wasting energy, so he ivented the consenser to save a lot of water while still keeping the engine hot. -
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French Revolution
This was a civil war between the french social classes, which lead to the french constitution. -
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Haitian Revolution
This was a slave revolt against the French colony of St. Domingue. This was the only slave revolt in history which lead to a founding of a country. -
Cotton Gin Developed
A cotton gin is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds. This invention was created by Eli Whitney. -
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Reign Of Napoleon
Napolean Bonapart was a military and political leader who fought his way to become the french empire. He was later banished to exile. -
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Wars of Independence in Latin America
These were the Mexican, Brazilian, Venezulean revolutions through out the 18th centurary. -
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Congress Of Vienna
The Congress of Vienna was a conference of ambassadors of European countries chaired by Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich. -
Unification Of Italy
This is when the different states on the italian pennisula joined together into one country(Italy) -
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Opium War
When europe and china traded Opium, a type of drug, was a popular export from europe in china. The problem was the drug was very adictive and was killing a large amount of the chineese population so this ticked off the chineese emperor who started a war against england. -
Communist Manifesto Published
a short publication written by the political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. -
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Taiping Rebellion
A massive civil war in southern China against the ruling Manchu-led Qing Dynasty. It was led by Hong Xiuquan, who announced that he had received visions in which he learned that he was the younger brother of Jesus. At least 20 million people died, mainly civilians. It was one of the deadliest military conflicts in history. -
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Crimean War
A conflict between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the French Empire, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Sardinia. The war was part of a long-running contest between major European powers for influence over territories of the declining Ottoman Empire. Most of the conflict took place on the Crimean peninsula. -
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Sepoy Rebellion
The sepoy rebellion was during the British colonzation of India, when a indian tribe called the Sepoys had a surpirise uprising. -
Origin of the Speices Published
A work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. -
Emancipation of Russian Serfs
This is when the peasants of Russia got their basic rights. -
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Meiji Restoration
Restoration of imperial rule in Japan. -
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Suez Canal
It is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. -
Unification of Germany
When the 500 states of the holy Roman Empire formed into countries, like prussia and Germany. -
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Boer War
It was a war between great britian and the dutch settlers in south africa,thats why its also called the south african war. -
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Panama Canal
An artificial water way trough south america. First started by the french but then finished by America under theadore rosavelt's presidency. -
Berlin Conference
Seperated Africa between european countries for colonization and trade. -
Indian National Congress Founded
One of the two polictical parties in India. It is the oldest and largest democratic party in the world. -
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Boxer Rebellion
An anti-foreign, proto-nationalist movement by the Righteous Harmony Society in China between 1899 and 1901, opposing foreign imperialism and Christianity. -
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Russo janpaneese War
It grew out of rival imperial ambitions of the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over Manchuria and Korea. The major theatres of operations were Southern Manchuria, specifically the area around the Liaodong Peninsula and Mukden; and the seas around Korea, Japan, and the Yellow Sea. -
All India muslim leadue founded
A political party in india that tried to make a seperate country of a muslim majority in india. -
Henry Ford and Assembly Line
The car at first was complicated and expensive but Henry Ford developed cars that were more simply and less expensive so the average worker could afford one.