
  • Captain James Cook discovers Australia

    Captain James Cook discovers Australia
    Famous Captain James Cook was sailing around the globe finding new places. He travelled across the vast ocens in search of new land. He arrives in the now called Botany Bay of NSW (New South Whales) and explores the new Continent Australia.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    British Government raised taxes on tea. The American puplic did not like this action. In response the British Tea was dumped into the Boston Bay hense-"The Boston Tea Party".
  • American war of independence starts

    American war of independence starts
    America is under rule of the British Government. The American public want to be known as their own independent country. They take this dream to war and conqure the enemy causing the War for Independence to start.
  • First Fleet Arrives in Botany Bay- First British Settlement

    First Fleet Arrives in Botany Bay- First British Settlement
    After Captain James Cook arrives in Australia, word spread out into England and parts of Europe. The British took charge and boarded evry convict onto ships and sent them out to the new land- Australia. They landed in Botany Bay where they set out to build a civilization of Australia.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    Bread prices rise in Europe. The new high bread prices do not set in well with the people of France and take action by causing massive riots and rebelious acts of violoence. One great raid by the French Rebelion is the storming of the Bastille Prison Containing 4 prisoners that were all freed.
  • Alessandro Volta invents battery to carry electricla currents

    Alessandro Volta invents battery to carry electricla currents
    Engerneer Alessandro Volta discovers new way of containing electricity. Alessandro sets out to build the first battery. After complition of the battery it is named after him-"Volt".
  • Textile Workers-Luddites

    Textile Workers-Luddites
    The Luddites were a group of either sacked (fired) wrokers, under paid workers or people under the negative influence of the industrial revolution. The luddites responded to the industrial revolution by smashing and destroying machinery.
  • Peoples Charter

    Peoples Charter
    The Peoples charter was a written Document stating 6 points of rights for the People of Great Britian. This was declared due to the lack of workers rights and wages. This included things such as the right to vote.
  • Gold Rush in Australia

    Gold Rush in Australia
    The finding of Gold in NWS spread through-out Europe and Asia.New setlers gush, almo tripples population of Australia in 10 years. Most gold workers were of Asian descent, especially Chinese, but some european
  • Indian Mutiny

    Indian Mutiny
    The British East Indian Trading Company had gotten well out of hand. The British had taken over way to much of Indian terrotory and this not sit well with the peopel of India or the military. The military under such British rule rebelled against the British.
  • American Civil War Starts

    American Civil War Starts
    Tension was rising between the north and the south of America. The north believed in states rights and opposing slavery and the south were enforcing slavery and federal authority. The North were lead by Abraham Lincoln.
  • American Civil War Ends

    American Civil War Ends
    The North defeats the southern union. Much of the Southern states were devastated and the pasing of anti-slavery prevailed. Abraham was soon assassinated on in April.
  • Hanging of Ned Kelly

    Hanging of Ned Kelly
    The infamouse outlaw Ned Kelly was finally captured. It took some 4000 men to finally put a stop to Ned Kelly and his gang. There was a patition against the hanging of Ned Kelly, but the 25000, signatures could not save him from his death.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    Much of Africa was under colonisation from British and Portuguese colonies. Discovery of diamonds and gold set out into both colonised sides and the battle for rich land began. The Dutch were defeated in the final ressult.
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    Australia became an independent nation. The British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the of Australia.
  • Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright make first man controlled flight Machine

    Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright make first man controlled flight Machine
    Beothers Orville and Wilbur Wright make first man controlled air machine-aeroplane. After years of test gliders the brothers figure out the right structure. These gliders soon became part of technological advancement and power-World War1/World War 2.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    It was called-"the Ship of Dreams"-and it was the biggest passenger boat of the 20th century. The infamouse RMS Titanic was the Inpenetrable ship of it'e era, but this was all to be thrown away as the Titanic hit an ice-berg. The ice-berg caused a cut in the ships stern at the wedge, this soon lead to the sinking of the ship as water over flowed. Of the 2500 passengers on boared some 1000 survived. The Titanic is now resting at the bottom of the ocean.
  • Assasination of Archduke franz Ferdinand-Austrian heir

    Assasination of Archduke franz Ferdinand-Austrian heir
    Serbia was forced into a union with the four major powers of Europe-"The Big Four". This did not sit well with some Serbians. A group called-"The Black Hand Gang"-was formed to hurt Austria and to kill their heir to the throne-Franz Ferdinand. They succeded at this task when Franz and his wife were traveling in Serbia-both were shot dead. This assassination lead to the start od World War One.
  • World War One Starts-WW1

    World War One Starts-WW1
    With the assassination of Franz Ferdinand the "Big Four" rallied up forces and declared war on Serbia. Allies of serbia Russia and France came to the calling and helped Serbia on the western and Easern Front. As Germany invaded Belgium England became Infuriated and came to help and this followed the coming of the Allies. World War one had began.
  • World War One Ends-WW1

    World War One Ends-WW1
    After four years of continuose fighting, Germany was out-numbered and out gunned and surrendered to the Allies. The Paris Peace Confferance was held to sign a treaty between war enemies. Most of Germany was devastated and with land loss and over $50billion in dept due to war damage, Germany was in a depression. These unfair settlements led to the reasoning of World War 2.