Period: to
The Enlighenment
The Elightenment is when human beings began to think for themselfs. Inventing, challengeing religion and scienctific evolution. This started in Europe and than later moving toward the American colonies. -
The Discovery of Electricity
James Watt discovered the first evidence of an Electric current in 1736 during this time he was looking at how to replace horses with Steam power, although during this period he discovered electricity.
Even though the Ancient Greeks discovered static electricity James Watt is one of the founding farthers. -
Period: to
Seven Years War
Basically a mistrust with the higher powers the coliding interests caused bitterness with the rest of the world and the war began.
This is pretty much all I remember on the subject. And with my internet cutting out. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
End of convict ttransportaion to America (War of Independence)
During this time the American civilization chose to attempt to force their independence from the tyranical British Empire. -
Assisted Migration
Came along with the First Fleet arriving in Australia, meaning that due to the Convicts not having the capability to cope within the harsh terran of Australia, the goverment chose to pay for passge for Farmers and Tradespeople. -
First Fleet Arrives
Convicts from Britain arrives upon Australia. They begin cultivating the land and setting up settlements.
Recognising only that the Aboriginals were human and highly uncivilised they chose to take away their land. -
Period: to
Reign of Smallpox (In Australia
During this period Smallpox was a major threat the the civilizaion as it still had no cure and has a 30-35% mortality rate.
A very wide-spread disease this disease managed to infect and kill cery many people before finally being stopped with a cure in 1938. -
Period: to
French Revolution
Monarchs controling the population and how the poor live had the French on the edge of rebelion, although not much had changed during the time, the continous mistreatment and poor way of life for the lower class caused them to resent and hate the rich living with everything they could possibly ask for.
A revolution was started. -
Chinese Migration to Syndey (First Landing)
Needing cheap labour in Sydeny due to a great shortage, the white Australian's began to hire and recruit Chinese from over-seas to come and work here in Australia.
1818 was the year they started work in Sydeny. -
Birth of AFL
First game was played in 1859. Although this was not the only sighting of the game being played, it became and offical pass-time and has been played ever since. -
Period: to
Yihetuan Movement
Anti-foreign movement to try and unsure that Foreigners and Chrisitanity would not enter their home-land and would not corrupt the way of life that they'd lived with for so long. -
Period: to
Anglo-Japanese Treaty (Alliance)
A modern treaty between Great Britain and the Japanese and Chinese occupations.
Although it was mean't to simply be an alliance between Britain and the Japanese, it was seen differently by both sides of the agreement, Brtiain used it and saw it as a provacative action toward Russia. Where as the Japanese saw it as having a friend. -
War Precautions Act of 1914
Gave the goverment the full control of Australia during World War 1 and for a time afterwards. -
Start of World War 1
War begins after the European countrys fail to negotiate a way out of the imminent threat. -
Period: to
Gallipoli Campaign
The ANZAC attack on Gallipoli.
During this time the Australian and New Zealand soldiers made a move to better their position in the war by making the Germans fight from 3 different ends. -
Trading with the Enemy act of 1917
Gave the President of America the right to ban trading with the Germans during the time of world war 1 and for the rest of time after that. -
Treaty of Versaille
Treaty of Versaille signed by German in account of their defeat in World War 1.