1750-1918 APWH

  • Period: to

    Europe's Industrial Revolution

  • Ratification of the US Constitution

  • Initial British Settlement in West Africa

  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolution

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Period: to

    Islamic Revolutions in West Africa

  • Period: to

    The Opium Wars

  • "Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx Published

  • British Government assumes control of India

  • Period: to

    Darwin presents his ideas on evolution

  • Period: to

    US Civil Wars

  • Period: to

    US Industrializes

  • Start of the Meji Restoration

  • Opening of the Suez Canal

  • Period: to

    European scramble for Africa

  • Period: to

    European colonial conquest of Africa

  • Period: to

    Japanese War against China

  • First Russian Revolution

  • End of the Chinese Dynastic Period

  • Period: to
