
  • royal colonies created

  • New Orleans is founded

  • The City of Baltimore is Established

  • influenza strikes America.

  • The British Parliament Passes the Molasses Act

  • The Great Awakening Begins

    desire for Freedom of Religion
  • Parliament Passes Iron Act

  • Period: to

    French Indian war

    French and Indian War produced American war leaders such as George Washington
  • Period: to

    7 years war

    war between england and france.
  • The Stamp Act is Passed

  • Samuel Adams Forms the Sons of Liberty

  • the Boston Massacre

  • The Boston Tea Party

  • continental congress

  • Period: to

    revolutionary war

  • Washington Crosses the Delaware

  • The Declaration of Independence

  • Second Battle of Saratoga

    Colonies' Revolutionary War turns around at the Battle of Saratoga, beginning the march to a successful American Revolution
  • The United States Constitution is Created

  • James Madison Proposes the Bill of Rights

  • George Washington Elected First President