Royal Colony
Royal Colony of New Jersey established by Queen Anne from separate provinces of East New Jersey and West New Jersey. -
Siege on the French fort
British Troops begin a nine day siege on the French fort, Port Royal in Nova Scotia. -
Treaty of Utrecht
The Queen Anne's War ends with the French signing a treaty in the series of Treaty of Utrecht to give Nova Scotia to the British -
George Washington
George Washington is born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. -
Freedom of the Press
Freedom of the Press became recognized in New York. -
King George's War
First battle of King George's War begins with raid by New French against the British port of Canso. -
The Lightning Rod
Benjamin Franklin invents the lightning rod -
Battle of Fort Necessity
Battle of Fort Necessity occurs in southwestern Pennsylvania -
France cedes Louisiana to Spain -
.French and Indian War
French and Indian War ends with peace treaty that cedes Canada and the American midwest to English. -
Sugar Act
The Sugar Act places a duty on various commodities, including lumber, food, molasses, and rum in the British colonies. -
Stamp Act in New York
After the establishment of the Stamp Act by the British Government on March 22, New York and adopted a Declaration of Rights against taxation without representation. -
No more Stamp Act
Stamp Act is repealed. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre occurs when British troops fire into a Boston mob, who were demonstrating against British troops at the customs commission. -
Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts, duties on goods such as lead, paper, glass and tea enacted three years earlier, were repealed by British parliament, except for that on tea. -
Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams writes his Rights of the Colonists document, The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting. -
Parliament's reaction to Boston Tea Party
British Parliament closes the port of Boston in response to the Boston Tea Party. -
Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts, requiring colonists allow British soldiers into their homes, are enacted by the British government. -
Period: to
First Continental Congress
The First Continental Congress is held in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, protesting the Intolerable Acts. -
Paul Revere
Two lanterns were hung from the steeple of Old North Church by sexton Robert Newman as Paul Revere and William Dawes rode through the night, warning patriots that the British were coming to Concord to destroy arms. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence, from the pen of Thomas Jefferson and his committee, is approved in the Second Continental Congress of the United States of America -
Stars and Stripes
The Continental Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes as the national flag -
America's independence
Lord North resigns as British Prime Minister, leading the way for a New British cabinet to agree to recognize United States independence. -
Bald Eagle
he Bald Eagle is adopted by Congress as the national bird. -
America's recognition
British Parliament agrees to the recognition of U.S. independence. -
Revolutionary War
Congress ratifies the preliminary peace treaty, ending the Revolutionary War. -
1st president
The 1st President, George Washington, is inaugurated in New York City. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is submitted to the states by Congress. -
Eli Whitney
Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin, which could do the work of fifty men when cleaning cotton by hand. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion occurs when western Pennsylvania farmers in the Monongahela Valley, upset over the liquor tax. -
Jay's Treaty
Jay's Treaty is signed between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Great Britain. -
11th ammendment
The United States passes the 11th amendment to the U.S. Constitution on the subject of each state's sovereign immunity. -
Treaty of Madrid
The Treaty of Madrid is signed, establishing the boundaries between the Spanish Colonies and the United States. -
Treaty of Tripoli
The Treaty of Tripoli, signifying peace between the United States and Tripoli, is signed at Algiers. -
Library of Congress
The United States Library of Congress is founded.