1700-1800 Timeline

  • New Orleans is Founded

    New Orleans was officially founded by the French crown that owned Louisiana and was used as a trading port by the Mississippi Delta.
  • Great Awakening Begins

    This was a time period of religious revival throughout the country or colonies and encouraged many to take up religion and spread the gospel.
  • French and Indian War Begins

    Also known as the Seven Years' War, this extended the power struggle between France and France for control in the New World.
  • Stamp Act is Passed

    This was the first of many tax disputes between the colonists and the Parliament in Britain. This act imposed the first internal taxes on the colonies by the Parliament.
  • Boston Tea Party

    This was a rebellion towards a series of disputes between the colonists and the Parliament over trading and taxes.
  • First Congress Meets

    This included delegates from all 13 colonies, excluding Georgia. This meeting was to discuss the colonies' response to conflict with Parliament over coercive acts.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    This was the beginning spark of the American Revolution.
  • Declaration of Indepence

    This document was written and declared by all 13 colonies of the New World and intended to declare independence from British control and authority.
  • "Common Sense" is Published

    This was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine which greatly influenced individual thinking and opinion towards independence.
  • Treaty of Paris is Signed

    This treaty officially ended the American Revolution between the colonies and the British Parliament. This treaty declared the recognition of independence of the colonies.
  • George Washington is Elected

    George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States as the structure of the new government of the colonies was being formed.
  • Johns Adams is Elected

    John Adams (the first Vice President) was elected as the second president of the United States.