1700 1800


  • Boston News Letter

    Boston News Letter
    The very first published newspaper in the colony of Massachusetts, which was founded by John Campbell.
  • Tea

    Tea was introduced into the American colonies. This was huge for the US, as it became one of the best trading goods for the colonies along the Northeast.
  • Iron Act

    Iron Act
    An act passed by the English Parliament, which limited the growth of the iron industry in the American colonies.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    An act passed by the English Parliament, which banned the issue of paper money by the New England colonies.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    An act that imposed the tax on British colonies in America for many printed materials and goods in the colonies, such as stamped paper.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    One of the most important documents in United States history. The first formal document for declaring independence from other countries, as it allowed the people to choose what government they wanted.
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    George Washington

    The first president of the United States. He commanded the Continental Army during the American Revolution and was a conjoined in the army every since he was a teenager.
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    John Adams

    The second president of the United States. He was one of the Founding Fathers and was a statesman, attorney, diplomat, and writer. He was a leader of the American Revolution and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris.