
  • English establishment in Georgia

    King George creates a charger for the lower class. It was meant to act as protection for South Carolina
  • Stono rebellion

    A Catholic governor in Florida promised freedom to fugitive slaves that came to fight for him.
  • French and Indian war

    French and British fight over Indian land, and wanted to build military establishments. Eventually, the British win the war and the French surrender.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris increase taxes on the colonies to pay off debt from war.
  • Proclamation line

    Created to uphold a promise in delaware to not allow English settlers. Colonists would resist being kicked off of their land.
  • Currency act

    Colonies can no longer use their own currency, and must use British currency.
  • Stamp act

    The stamp act was the first major tax directed at cohen. Text items bear stamp, and violators were be tried and convicted.
  • Quartering at

    A law that stated all colonists must allow British soldiers to stay in their homes.
  • Townsend duties

    Increase taxes on even more goods imported into the colonies.
  • Boston tea party

    Emma rebellion against tea tax from England, colonists threw crates of tea into the Boston harbor. They declared all tea in the colonies to be theirs.