
  • English Colonies Switch to the Gregorian calendar

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

    An event in which american rebels secretly boarded British ships that were loaded with tea and dumped much of the tea into the bay. They did this in order to rebel against the British tea tax.
  • First Continental Congress Meeting

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The american war for independence from Britain
  • Declaration of Independence

    As a result of this event, July 4th is celebrated in the U.S today as the day in which their independence was gained.
  • Articles of Confederation

  • First American flag adopted

  • The British surrender to General George Washington

  • Constitutional Convention

  • U.S. Constitution is adopted

  • George Washington becomes the 1st U.S. President

  • U.S. Supreme Court first meeting

  • The first ten Amendments are added to the Constitution.

  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    The cotton gin revolutionized the cotton production industry by making it significantly easier to harvest the cotton.
  • John Adams becomes the 2nd U.S. President