1700-1800 (US)

  • Benjamin Franklin proposes colonial government

    Franklin proposes to the Albany Congress that the colonies should unite to form a type of colonial government
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    British colonies pitted against French colonies as part of European 7 Years' War.
  • Sugar Act Passed

    Britton enacts the Sugar Act, levying duty on sugar, wine, and textiles in American Colonies.
  • Stamp Act Passed

    Britain passes the Stamp act, taxing legal documents and press documents in the American Colonies. Colonies campaign against act and form groups like the Sons of Liberty.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    After facing the unified boycott of both the Stamp Act and Sugar Act, Britain decides to repeal Stamp Act, but at the same time enacts a bill to give ultimate power over taxation of all British colonies
  • Boston Massecre

    British troops fire at riled up colonists in Boston, killing 5. Reports around the colonies cry for unity and anti-British enforcement of taxes. In response Parliament removes Townshend duties with the exception of tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Nearly fifty colonists, dressed as Indians, empty all tea cargo into the Boston Harbor as a protest against British tax.
  • First Continental Congress Meet

    Delegates from twelve colonies met in Philadelphia to organize boycott of British goods
  • Shot Heard Around the World

    First shot of the American Revolution is fired in a skirmish between redcoats and militiamen at Lexington.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    American militiamen prove their worth against British soldiers in an effort to protect a stockpile of weapons.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Jefferson's text for the Declaration of Independence is accepted by the Second Continental Congress.
  • France Sends Large Fleets in Colonial Aid

    France joins the American colonies in their fight against Britain, turning the tide the the war.
  • Battle of Yorktown, British Surrender

    British general, Charles Cornwallis, is forced to surrender after being isolated in Yorktown. Signals the end of the Revolutionary War
  • Treaty of Paris

    John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay negotiate with British government and result is signed treaty that recognizes US independence.
  • US Constitution Ratified

    Constitution was ratified by the states, with the immediate recognition that amendments will be necessary.
  • George Washington elected first President

    Washington unanimously elected first President of United States. He was inaugurated on Wall Street in New York
  • Cotton Gin invented

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, revolutionizing the cotton industry. Cotton became America's biggest export.
  • Washington Delivers Farewell Address, John Adams elected second President

    Washington resists pressure to accept third term of Presidency, setting the example of peaceful transition of power. John Adams elected second President, with Thomas Jefferson as Vice President