Delaware established
Virginia House of Burgesses
Board of Trade
Georgia established
Jonathan Edwards- "A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God"
Stono Rebellion
Jonathan Edwards- "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Jonathan Edwards- "Religious Affections"
Georgia allowed limited slavery
British Board of Trade (Albany)
Georgia is a Royal Colony
French and Indian War declared
Treaty of Paris
Proclamation Line of 1763
Currency Act
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Quarting Act
Declaratory Act
Restraining Act
Townsend Duties
Revenue Act
Virginia resolves
Boston Massacre
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
1st Continental Congress
2nd Continental Congress (Philadelphia)
Pennsylavania Constitution
Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" published
British ships arrived at NY harbor
British surrendered at Saratoga
march to Valley Forge