
  • Natives raid during Queen Anne's War

  • Ben Franklin born

  • The Tuscarora Indian War begins in North Carolina

  • French found New Orleans

  • Lowell War between the French and English

  • Baltimore is Established

  • Ben Franklin group creates first public library

  • Britian passes HAt Act and Molasses

  • Jonathan Edwards starts the Great Awakening

  • The American Philosophical Society formed in Philedelphia

  • King George revokes the colonies prohibition on slavery

  • England passes the Currency Act

    Prohibits issue of money in colonies
  • French and Indian War begins

  • French surrender to the English at Montreal

  • England bans settlements out west

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Royal Proclamation of 1763

  • The Sugar Act is passed

  • James Otis published his views

    Talks lots about Taxation without Representation
  • Sons of Liberty formed

  • Stamp and Quartering Act passed

  • Intolerable Acts passed

  • Ben Franklin wars of Revolution

  • Stamp Act repealed

  • Colonist form first continental congress

  • Geroge Washington begins to lead America against English

  • Decleration of Independence written and signed

  • Rebel States form loose confederation after defeating Britian

  • Treaty of Paris

    England accepts the Loss
  • Founding Fathers draw up New Constitution

  • George Washington elected first President

  • Bill of Rights Made

  • The Election of 1800

    Thomas Jefferson wins